Tag |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Account |
String |
Account mnemonic as agreed between broker and institution.
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AdvId |
String |
Unique identifier of advertisement message. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
AdvRefID |
String |
Reference identifier used with CANCEL and REPLACE transaction types. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
AdvSide |
char |
Broker's side of advertised trade
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
B |
Buy |
Buy |
FIX.2.7 |
S |
Sell |
Sell |
FIX.2.7 |
T |
Trade |
Trade |
FIX.2.7 |
X |
Cross |
Cross |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
AdvTransType |
String |
Identifies advertisement message transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
R |
Replace |
Replace |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
AvgPx |
Price |
Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
BeginSeqNo |
int |
Message sequence number of first message in range to be resent
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
BeginString |
String |
Identifies beginning of new message and protocol version. ALWAYS FIRST FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted)
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
BodyLength |
int |
Message length, in bytes, forward to the CheckSum field. ALWAYS SECOND FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted)
FIX.2.7 |
10 |
CheckSum |
String |
Three byte, simple checksum (see Appendix B: CheckSum Calculation for description). ALWAYS LAST FIELD IN MESSAGE; i.e. serves, with the trailing , as the end-of-message delimiter. Always defined as three characters. (Always unencrypted)
FIX.2.7 |
11 |
ClOrdID |
String |
Unique identifier for Order as assigned by institution (identified by SenderCompID or OnBehalfOfCompID as appropriate). Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Firms, particularly those which electronically submit multi-day orders, trade globally or throughout market close periods,should ensure uniqueness across days, for example by embedding a date within the ClOrdID field.
FIX.2.7 |
12 |
Commission |
Amt |
Commission. Note if CommType is percentage, Commission of 5% should be represented as .05.
FIX.2.7 |
13 |
CommType |
char |
Commission type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
PerUnit |
per share |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Percent |
percentage |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Absolute |
absolute |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
14 |
CumQty |
Qty |
Total number of shares filled. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
15 |
Currency |
Currency |
Identifies currency used for price. Absence of this field is interpreted as the default for the security. It is recommended that systems provide the currency value whenever possible. See Appendix A: Valid Currency Codes for information on obtaining valid values.
FIX.2.7 |
16 |
EndSeqNo |
int |
Message sequence number of last message in range to be resent. If request is for a single message BeginSeqNo = EndSeqNo. If request is for all messages subsequent to a particular message, EndSeqNo = "0" (representing infinity).
FIX.2.7 |
17 |
ExecID |
String |
Unique identifier of execution message as assigned by broker (will be 0 (zero) for ExecTransType=3 (Status)). Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day or the life of a multi-day order. Firms which accept multi-day orders should consider embedding a date within the ExecID field to assure uniqueness across days. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
18 |
ExecInst |
MultipleValueString |
Instructions for order handling on exchange trading floor. If more than one instruction is applicable to an order, this field can contain multiple instructions separated by space.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
StayOnOfferSide |
Stay on offerside |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
NotHeld |
Not held |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Work |
Work |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
GoAlong |
Go along |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
OverTheDay |
Over the day |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Held |
Held |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
ParticipateDoNotInitiate |
Participate don't initiate |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
StrictScale |
Strict scale |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
TryToScale |
Try to scale |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
StayOnBidSide |
Stay on bidside |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
NoCross |
No cross (cross is forbidden) |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
OKToCross |
OK to cross |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
CallFirst |
Call first |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
PercentOfVolume |
Percent of volume (indicates that the sender does not want to be all of the volume on the floor vs. a specific percentage) |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
DoNotIncrease |
Do not increase - DNI |
FIX.2.7 |
F |
DoNotReduce |
Do not reduce - DNR |
FIX.2.7 |
G |
AllOrNone |
All or none - AON |
FIX.2.7 |
I |
InstitutionsOnly |
Institutions only |
FIX.3.0 |
L |
LastPeg |
Last peg (last sale) |
FIX.3.0 |
M |
MidPricePeg |
Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote) |
FIX.3.0 |
N |
NonNegotiable |
Non-negotiable |
FIX.3.0 |
O |
OpeningPeg |
Opening peg |
FIX.3.0 |
P |
MarketPeg |
Market peg |
FIX.3.0 |
R |
PrimaryPeg |
Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer) |
FIX.3.0 |
S |
Suspend |
Suspend |
FIX.3.0 |
T |
FixedPegToLocalBestBidOrOfferAtTimeOfOrder |
Fixed Peg to Local best bid or offer at time of order |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
U |
CustomerDisplayInstruction |
Customer Display Instruction (Rule11Ac1-1/4) |
FIX.4.1 |
V |
Netting |
Netting (for Forex) |
FIX.4.1 |
W |
Peg to VWAP |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
19 |
ExecRefID |
String |
Reference identifier used with Cancel and Correct transaction types. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
20 |
ExecTransType |
char |
Identifies transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Correct |
Correct |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Status |
Status |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
21 |
HandlInst |
char |
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention |
Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK |
Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ManualOrder |
Manual order, best execution |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
22 |
IDSource |
String |
Identifies class of alternative SecurityID
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
ISINNumber |
ISIN number |
FIX.3.0 |
5 |
RICCode |
RIC code |
FIX.3.0 |
6 |
ISOCurrencyCode |
ISO Currency Code |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
ISOCountryCode |
ISO Country Code |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
ExchangeSymbol |
Exchange Symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
ConsolidatedTapeAssociation |
Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) Symbol (SIAC CTS/CQS line format) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
23 |
IOIid |
String |
Unique identifier of IOI message. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
24 |
IOIOthSvc |
char |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.4.2 |
25 |
IOIQltyInd |
char |
Relative quality of indication
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
H |
High |
High |
FIX.2.7 |
L |
Low |
Low |
FIX.2.7 |
M |
Medium |
Medium |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
26 |
String |
Reference identifier used with CANCEL and REPLACE, transaction types. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
27 |
IOIShares |
String |
Number of shares in numeric or relative size.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
L |
Large |
Large |
FIX.4.4EP25 |
M |
Medium |
Medium |
FIX.4.4EP25 |
S |
Small |
Small |
FIX.4.4EP25 |
FIX.2.7 |
28 |
IOITransType |
char |
Identifies IOI message transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
R |
Replace |
Replace |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
29 |
LastCapacity |
char |
Broker capacity in order execution
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Agent |
Agent |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
CrossAsAgent |
Cross as agent |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
CrossAsPrincipal |
Cross as principal |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
30 |
LastMkt |
Exchange |
Market of execution for last fill
FIX.2.7 |
31 |
LastPx |
Price |
Price of this (last) fill. Field not required for ExecTransType = 3 (Status)
FIX.2.7 |
32 |
LastShares |
Qty |
Quantity of shares bought/sold on this (last) fill. Field not required for ExecTransType = 3 (Status) (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
33 |
LinesOfText |
int |
Identifies number of lines of text body
FIX.2.7 |
34 |
MsgSeqNum |
int |
Integer message sequence number.
FIX.2.7 |
35 |
MsgType |
String |
Defines message type. ALWAYS THIRD FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted) Note: A "U" as the first character in the MsgType field (i.e. U1, U2, etc) indicates that the message format is privately defined between the sender and receiver.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Heartbeat |
Heartbeat |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
TestRequest |
Test Request |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
ResendRequest |
Resend Request |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Reject |
Reject |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SequenceReset |
Sequence Reset |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Logout |
Logout |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
Indication of Interest |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
ExecutionReport |
Execution Report |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
OrderCancelReject |
Order Cancel Reject |
FIX.2.7 |
a |
QuoteStatusRequest |
Quote Status Request |
FIX.4.2 |
A |
Logon |
Logon |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
News |
News |
FIX.2.7 |
b |
MassQuoteAcknowledgement |
Quote Acknowledgement |
FIX.4.2 |
C |
Email |
Email |
FIX.2.7 |
c |
SecurityDefinitionRequest |
Security Definition Request |
FIX.4.2 |
D |
NewOrderSingle |
Order Single |
FIX.2.7 |
d |
SecurityDefinition |
Security Definition |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
NewOrderList |
Order List |
FIX.2.7 |
e |
SecurityStatusRequest |
Security Status Request |
FIX.4.2 |
f |
SecurityStatus |
Security Status |
FIX.4.2 |
F |
OrderCancelRequest |
Order Cancel Request |
FIX.2.7 |
G |
OrderCancelReplaceRequest |
Order Cancel/Replace Request |
FIX.2.7 |
g |
TradingSessionStatusRequest |
Trading Session Status Request |
FIX.4.2 |
H |
OrderStatusRequest |
Order Status Request |
FIX.2.7 |
h |
TradingSessionStatus |
Trading Session Status |
FIX.4.2 |
i |
MassQuote |
Mass Quote |
FIX.4.2 |
j |
BusinessMessageReject |
Business Message Reject |
FIX.4.2 |
J |
AllocationInstruction |
Allocation |
FIX.2.7 |
K |
ListCancelRequest |
List Cancel Request |
FIX.2.7 |
k |
BidRequest |
Bid Request |
FIX.4.2 |
l |
BidResponse |
Bid Response (lowercase L) |
FIX.4.2 |
L |
ListExecute |
List Execute |
FIX.2.7 |
m |
ListStrikePrice |
List Strike Price |
FIX.4.2 |
M |
ListStatusRequest |
List Status Request |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
ListStatus |
List Status |
FIX.2.7 |
P |
AllocationInstructionAck |
Allocation ACK |
FIX.2.7 |
Q |
DontKnowTrade |
Dont Know Trade (DK) |
FIX.4.0 |
R |
QuoteRequest |
Quote Request |
FIX.4.0 |
S |
Quote |
Quote |
FIX.4.0 |
T |
SettlementInstructions |
Settlement Instructions |
FIX.4.1 |
V |
MarketDataRequest |
Market Data Request |
FIX.4.2 |
W |
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh |
Market Data-Snapshot/Full Refresh |
FIX.4.2 |
X |
MarketDataIncrementalRefresh |
Market Data-Incremental Refresh |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
MarketDataRequestReject |
Market Data Request Reject |
FIX.4.2 |
Z |
QuoteCancel |
Quote Cancel |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
36 |
NewSeqNo |
int |
New sequence number
FIX.2.7 |
37 |
OrderID |
String |
Unique identifier for Order as assigned by broker. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Firms which accept multi-day orders should consider embedding a date within the OrderID field to assure uniqueness across days.
FIX.2.7 |
38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Number of shares ordered. This represents the number of shares for equities or based on normal convention the number of contracts for options, futures, convertible bonds, etc. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
39 |
OrdStatus |
char |
Identifies current status of order.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
PartiallyFilled |
Partially filled |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Filled |
Filled |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
DoneForDay |
Done for day |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
Canceled |
Canceled |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Replaced |
Replaced |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
6 |
PendingCancel |
Pending Cancel (e.g. result of Order Cancel Request) |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Stopped |
Stopped |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
Rejected |
Rejected |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
Suspended |
Suspended |
FIX.3.0 |
A |
PendingNew |
Pending New |
FIX.3.0 |
B |
Calculated |
Calculated |
FIX.4.0 |
C |
Expired |
Expired |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
AcceptedForBidding |
Accepted for bidding |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
PendingReplace |
Pending Replace (e.g. result of Order Cancel/Replace Request) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
40 |
OrdType |
char |
Order type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Market |
Market |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Limit |
Limit |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Stop |
Stop |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
StopLimit |
Stop limit |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
MarketOnClose |
Market on close |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
WithOrWithout |
With or without |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
LimitOrBetter |
Limit or better |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
LimitWithOrWithout |
Limit with or without |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
OnBasis |
On basis |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
OnClose |
On close |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
LimitOnClose |
Limit on close |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
ForexMarket |
Forex - Market |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
PreviouslyQuoted |
Previously quoted |
FIX.4.0 |
E |
PreviouslyIndicated |
Previously indicated |
FIX.4.0 |
F |
ForexLimit |
Forex - Limit |
FIX.4.1 |
G |
ForexSwap |
Forex - Swap |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ForexPreviouslyQuoted |
Forex - Previously Quoted |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
Funari |
Funari (Limit Day Order with unexecuted portion handled as Market On Close. e.g. Japan) |
FIX.4.2 |
P |
Pegged |
Pegged |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
41 |
OrigClOrdID |
String |
ClOrdID of the previous order (NOT the initial order of the day) as assigned by the institution, used to identify the previous order in cancel and cancel/replace requests.
FIX.2.7 |
42 |
OrigTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of message origination (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT"))
FIX.2.7 |
43 |
PossDupFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates possible retransmission of message with this sequence number
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
OriginalTransmission |
Original transmission |
FIX.2.7 |
Y |
PossibleDuplicate |
Possible duplicate |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
44 |
Price |
Price |
Price per share
FIX.2.7 |
45 |
RefSeqNum |
int |
Reference message sequence number
FIX.2.7 |
46 |
RelatdSym |
String |
Symbol of issue related to story. Can be repeated within message to identify multiple companies.
FIX.2.7 |
47 |
Rule80A |
char |
Note that the name of this field is changing to "OrderCapacity" as Rule80A is a very US market-specific term. Other world markets need to convey similar information, however, often a subset of the US values. . See the "Rule80A (aka OrderCapacity) Usage by Market" appendix for market-specific usage of this field.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
AgencySingleOrder |
Agency single order |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
ShortExemptTransactionAType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to A type) |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
ProprietaryNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
ProgramOrderMember |
Program Order, index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
ShortExemptTransactionForPrincipal |
Registered Equity Market Maker trades |
FIX.4.1 |
F |
ShortExemptTransactionWType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to W type) |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ShortExemptTransactionIType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to I type) |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
IndividualInvestor |
Individual Investor, single order |
FIX.2.7 |
J |
ProprietaryAlgo |
Program Order, index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
K |
AgencyAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
L |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to P and O types) |
FIX.4.1 |
M |
ProgramOrderOtherMember |
Program Order, index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
AgentForOtherMember |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
O |
ProprietaryTransactionAffiliated |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
P |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.4.1 |
R |
TransactionNonMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
S |
SpecialistTrades |
Specialist trades |
FIX.4.1 |
T |
TransactionUnaffiliatedMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
U |
AgencyIndexArb |
Program Order, index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
W |
AllOtherOrdersAsAgentForOtherMember |
All other orders as agent for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
X |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberNotAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker not affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to W and T types) |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
AgencyNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
Z |
ShortExemptTransactionNonMember |
Short exempt transaction for non-member competing market-maker (refer to A and R types) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
CUSIP or other alternate security identifier
FIX.2.7 |
49 |
SenderCompID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify firm sending message.
FIX.2.7 |
50 |
SenderSubID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message originator (desk, trader, etc.)
FIX.2.7 |
51 |
SendingDate |
LocalMktDate |
No longer used. Included here for reference to prior versions.
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.4.0 |
52 |
SendingTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of message transmission (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.2.7 |
53 |
Shares |
Qty |
Number of shares (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
54 |
Side |
char |
Side of order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Buy |
Buy |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Sell |
Sell |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
BuyMinus |
Buy minus |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SellPlus |
Sell plus |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SellShort |
Sell short |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
SellShortExempt |
Sell short exempt |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Undisclosed |
Undisclosed (valid for IOI and List Order messages only) |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Cross |
Cross (orders where counterparty is an exchange, valid for all messages except IOIs) |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
CrossShort |
Cross short |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
55 |
Symbol |
String |
Ticker symbol
FIX.2.7 |
56 |
TargetCompID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify receiving firm.
FIX.2.7 |
57 |
TargetSubID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific individual or unit intended to receive message. "ADMIN" reserved for administrative messages not intended for a specific user.
FIX.2.7 |
58 |
Text |
String |
Free format text string (Note: this field does not have a specified maximum length)
FIX.2.7 |
59 |
TimeInForce |
char |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Absence of this field is interpreted as DAY.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Day |
Day |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
GoodTillCancel |
Good Till Cancel (GTC) |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AtTheOpening |
At the Opening (OPG) |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ImmediateOrCancel |
Immediate or Cancel (IOC) |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
FillOrKill |
Fill or Kill (FOK) |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
GoodTillCrossing |
Good Till Crossing (GTX) |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
GoodTillDate |
Good Till Date |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
60 |
TransactTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of execution/order creation (expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.2.7 |
61 |
Urgency |
char |
Urgency flag
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Normal |
Normal |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Flash |
Flash |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Background |
Background |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
62 |
ValidUntilTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Indicates expiration time of indication message (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.2.7 |
63 |
SettlmntTyp |
char |
Indicates order settlement period. Absence of this field is interpreted as Regular. Regular is defined as the default settlement period for the particular security on the exchange of execution.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
Regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cash |
Cash |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
NextDay |
Next Day |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
TPlus2 |
T+2 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TPlus3 |
T+3 |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
TPlus4 |
T+4 |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
WhenAndIfIssued |
When Issued |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
SellersOption |
Sellers Option |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
TPlus5 |
T+ 5 |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
64 |
FutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
Specific date of trade settlement (SettlementDate) in YYYYMMDD format. Required when SettlmntTyp = 6 (Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers Option). (expressed in local time at place of settlement)
FIX.2.7 |
65 |
SymbolSfx |
String |
Additional information about the security (e.g. preferred, warrants, etc.). Note also see SecurityType. Valid values: As defined in the NYSE Stock and bond Symbol Directory and in the AMEX Fitch Directory
FIX.2.7 |
66 |
ListID |
String |
Unique identifier for list as assigned by institution, used to associate multiple individual orders. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Firms which generate multi-day orders should consider embedding a date within the ListID field to assure uniqueness across days.
FIX.2.7 |
67 |
ListSeqNo |
int |
Sequence of individual order within list (i.e. ListSeqNo of ListNoOrds, 2 of 25, 3 of 25, . . . )
FIX.2.7 |
68 |
TotNoOrders |
int |
Total number of list order entries across all messages. Should be the sum of all NoOrders in each message that has repeating list order entries related to the same ListID. Used to support fragmentation. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was named "ListNoOrds")
FIX.2.7 |
69 |
ListExecInst |
String |
Free format text message containing list handling and execution instructions.
FIX.2.7 |
70 |
AllocID |
String |
Unique identifier for allocation message. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
71 |
AllocTransType |
char |
Identifies allocation transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Replace |
Replace |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Preliminary |
Preliminary (without MiscFees and NetMoney) |
FIX.4.1 |
4 |
Calculated |
Calculated (includes MiscFees and NetMoney) |
FIX.4.1 |
5 |
CalculatedWithoutPreliminary |
Calculated without Preliminary (sent unsolicited by broker, includes MiscFees and NetMoney) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
72 |
RefAllocID |
String |
Reference identifier to be used with Replace, Cancel, and Calculated AllocTransType messages. (Prior to FIX 4.1 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
73 |
NoOrders |
int |
Indicates number of orders to be combined for average pricing and allocation.
FIX.2.7 |
74 |
AvgPrxPrecision |
int |
Indicates number of decimal places to be used for average pricing. Absence of this field indicates that default precision arranged by the broker/institution is to be used.
FIX.2.7 |
75 |
TradeDate |
LocalMktDate |
Indicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. Absence of this field indicates current day (expressed in local time at place of trade).
FIX.2.7 |
76 |
ExecBroker |
String |
Identifies executing / give-up broker. Standard NASD market-maker mnemonic is preferred.
FIX.2.7 |
77 |
OpenClose |
char |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Used for omnibus accounting - where accounts are held on a gross basis instead of being netted together.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Close |
Close |
FIX.4.1 |
O |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
78 |
NoAllocs |
int |
Number of repeating AllocAccount/AllocPrice entries.
FIX.2.7 |
79 |
AllocAccount |
String |
Sub-account mnemonic
FIX.2.7 |
80 |
AllocShares |
Qty |
Number of shares to be allocated to specific sub-account (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
81 |
ProcessCode |
char |
Processing code for sub-account. Absence of this field in AllocAccount / AllocPrice/AllocShares / ProcessCode instance indicates regular trade.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
SoftDollar |
soft dollar |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
StepIn |
step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
StepOut |
step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SoftDollarStepIn |
soft-dollar step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SoftDollarStepOut |
soft-dollar step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
PlanSponsor |
plan sponsor |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
82 |
NoRpts |
int |
Total number of reports within series.
FIX.2.7 |
83 |
RptSeq |
int |
Sequence number of message within report series.
FIX.2.7 |
84 |
CxlQty |
Qty |
Total number of shares canceled for this order. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
85 |
NoDlvyInst |
int |
Number of delivery instruction fields to follow No longer used. Included here for reference to prior versions.
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.4.1 |
86 |
DlvyInst |
String |
Free format text field to indicate delivery instructions No longer used. Included here for reference to prior versions.
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.4.1 |
87 |
AllocStatus |
int |
Identifies status of allocation.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Accepted |
accepted (successfully processed) |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
BlockLevelReject |
rejected |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AccountLevelReject |
partial accept |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Received |
received (received, not yet processed) |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
88 |
AllocRejCode |
int |
Identifies reason for rejection.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
UnknownAccount |
unknown account(s) |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
IncorrectQuantity |
incorrect quantity |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
IncorrectAveragegPrice |
incorrect average price |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
UnknownExecutingBrokerMnemonic |
unknown executing broker mnemonic |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
CommissionDifference |
commission difference |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
UnknownOrderID |
unknown OrderID |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
UnknownListID |
unknown ListID |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
OtherSeeText |
other |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
89 |
Signature |
data |
Electronic signature
FIX.2.7 |
90 |
SecureDataLen |
Length |
Length of encrypted message
FIX.2.7 |
91 |
SecureData |
data |
Actual encrypted data stream
FIX.2.7 |
92 |
BrokerOfCredit |
String |
Broker to receive trade credit.
FIX.2.7 |
93 |
SignatureLength |
Length |
Number of bytes in signature field.
FIX.2.7 |
94 |
EmailType |
char |
Email message type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Reply |
Reply |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AdminReply |
Admin Reply |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
95 |
RawDataLength |
Length |
Number of bytes in raw data field.
FIX.2.7 |
96 |
RawData |
data |
Unformatted raw data, can include bitmaps, word processor documents, etc.
FIX.2.7 |
97 |
PossResend |
Boolean |
Indicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
OriginalTransmission |
Original transmission |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
PossibleResend |
Possible resend |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
98 |
EncryptMethod |
int |
Method of encryption.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
None |
None / other |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
PKCS (proprietary) |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
DES (ECB mode) |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
PKCS/DES (proprietary) |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
PGP/DES (defunct) |
FIX.3.0 |
5 |
PGP/DES-MD5 (see app note on FIX web site) |
FIX.4.0 |
6 |
PEM/DES-MD5 (see app note on FIX web site) |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
99 |
StopPx |
Price |
Price per share
FIX.2.7 |
100 |
ExDestination |
Exchange |
Execution destination as defined by institution when order is entered. Valid values: See Appendix C
FIX.2.7 |
102 |
CxlRejReason |
int |
Code to identify reason for cancel rejection.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
TooLateToCancel |
Too late to cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
UnknownOrder |
Unknown order |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
BrokerCredit |
Broker Option |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
OrderAlreadyInPendingStatus |
Order already in Pending Cancel or Pending Replace status |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
103 |
OrdRejReason |
int |
Code to identify reason for order rejection.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BrokerCredit |
Broker option |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
ExchangeClosed |
Exchange closed |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
OrderExceedsLimit |
Order exceeds limit |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TooLateToEnter |
Too late to enter |
FIX.4.0 |
5 |
UnknownOrder |
Unknown Order |
FIX.4.1 |
6 |
DuplicateOrder |
Duplicate Order (e.g. dupe ClOrdID) |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
DuplicateOfAVerballyCommunicatedOrder |
Duplicate of a verbally communicated order |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
StaleOrder |
Stale Order |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
104 |
IOIQualifier |
char |
Code to qualify IOI use.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
AllOrNone |
All or none |
FIX.3.0 |
C |
AtTheClose |
At the close |
FIX.3.0 |
I |
InTouchWith |
In touch with |
FIX.3.0 |
L |
Limit |
Limit |
FIX.3.0 |
M |
MoreBehind |
More behind |
FIX.3.0 |
O |
AtTheOpen |
At the open |
FIX.3.0 |
P |
TakingAPosition |
Taking a position |
FIX.3.0 |
Q |
AtTheMarket |
At the Market (previously called Current Quote) |
FIX.3.0 |
R |
ReadyToTrade |
Ready to trade |
FIX.4.2 |
S |
PortfolioShown |
Portfolio show-n |
FIX.3.0 |
T |
ThroughTheDay |
Through the day |
FIX.3.0 |
V |
Versus |
Versus |
FIX.3.0 |
W |
Indication |
Indication - Working away |
FIX.3.0 |
X |
CrossingOpportunity |
Crossing opportunity |
FIX.3.0 |
Y |
AtTheMidpoint |
At the Midpoint |
FIX.4.1 |
Z |
PreOpen |
Pre-open |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.3.0 |
105 |
WaveNo |
String |
Identifier to aid in the management of multiple lists derived from a single, master list.
FIX.3.0 |
106 |
Issuer |
String |
Company name of security issuer (e.g. International Business Machines)
FIX.3.0 |
107 |
SecurityDesc |
String |
Security description.
FIX.3.0 |
108 |
HeartBtInt |
int |
Heartbeat interval (seconds)
FIX.3.0 |
109 |
ClientID |
String |
Firm identifier used in third party-transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.3.0 |
110 |
MinQty |
Qty |
Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.3.0 |
111 |
MaxFloor |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown on the exchange floor at any given time. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.3.0 |
112 |
TestReqID |
String |
Identifier included in Test Request message to be returned in resulting Heartbeat
FIX.3.0 |
113 |
ReportToExch |
Boolean |
Identifies party of trade responsible for exchange reporting.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
SenderReports |
Indicates that party sending message will report trade |
FIX.3.0 |
Y |
ReceiverReports |
Indicates that party receiving message must report trade |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.3.0 |
114 |
LocateReqd |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the broker is to locate the stock in conjunction with a short sell order.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
No |
Indicates the broker is not required to locate |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
Yes |
Indicates the broker is responsible for locating the stock |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
115 |
OnBehalfOfCompID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify firm originating message if the message was delivered by a third party i.e. the third party firm identifier would be delivered in the SenderCompID field and the firm originating the message in this field.
FIX.4.0 |
116 |
OnBehalfOfSubID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message originator (i.e. trader) if the message was delivered by a third party
FIX.4.0 |
117 |
QuoteID |
String |
Unique identifier for quote
FIX.4.0 |
118 |
NetMoney |
Amt |
Total amount due as the result of the transaction (e.g. for Buy order - principal + commission + fees) reported in currency of execution.
FIX.4.0 |
119 |
SettlCurrAmt |
Amt |
Total amount due expressed in settlement currency (includes the effect of the forex transaction)
FIX.4.0 |
120 |
SettlCurrency |
Currency |
Currency code of settlement denomination.
FIX.4.0 |
121 |
ForexReq |
Boolean |
Indicates request for forex accommodation trade to be executed along with security transaction.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
DoNotExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Do not execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
ExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
122 |
OrigSendingTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Original time of message transmission (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT") when transmitting orders as the result of a resend request.
FIX.4.0 |
123 |
GapFillFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates that the Sequence Reset message is replacing administrative or application messages which will not be resent.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
SequenceReset |
Sequence Reset, ignore MsgSeqNum |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
GapFillMessage |
Gap Fill message, MsgSeqNum field valid |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
124 |
NoExecs |
int |
No of execution repeating group entries to follow.
FIX.4.0 |
125 |
CxlType |
char |
No longer used. Included here for reference to prior versions.
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.1 |
126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time/Date of order expiration (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.0 |
127 |
DKReason |
char |
Reason for execution rejection.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol |
FIX.4.0 |
B |
WrongSide |
Wrong side |
FIX.4.0 |
C |
QuantityExceedsOrder |
Quantity exceeds order |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
NoMatchingOrder |
No matching order |
FIX.4.0 |
E |
PriceExceedsLimit |
Price exceeds limit |
FIX.4.0 |
Z |
Other |
Other |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
128 |
DeliverToCompID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify the firm targeted to receive the message if the message is delivered by a third party i.e. the third party firm identifier would be delivered in the TargetCompID field and the ultimate receiver firm ID in this field.
FIX.4.0 |
129 |
DeliverToSubID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message recipient (i.e. trader) if the message is delivered by a third party
FIX.4.0 |
130 |
IOINaturalFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates that IOI is the result of an existing agency order or a facilitation position resulting from an agency order, not from principal trading or order solicitation activity.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
NotNatural |
Not natural |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
Natural |
Natural |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
131 |
QuoteReqID |
String |
Unique identifier for quote request
FIX.4.0 |
132 |
BidPx |
Price |
Bid price/rate
FIX.4.0 |
133 |
OfferPx |
Price |
Offer price/rate
FIX.4.0 |
134 |
BidSize |
Qty |
Quantity of bid (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.0 |
135 |
OfferSize |
Qty |
Quantity of offer (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.0 |
136 |
NoMiscFees |
int |
Number of repeating groups of miscellaneous fees
FIX.4.0 |
137 |
MiscFeeAmt |
Amt |
Miscellaneous fee value
FIX.4.0 |
138 |
MiscFeeCurr |
Currency |
Currency of miscellaneous fee
FIX.4.0 |
139 |
MiscFeeType |
char |
Indicates type of miscellaneous fee.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Regulatory |
Regulatory (e.g. SEC) |
FIX.4.0 |
2 |
Tax |
Tax |
FIX.4.0 |
3 |
LocalCommission |
Local Commission |
FIX.4.0 |
4 |
ExchangeFees |
Exchange Fees |
FIX.4.0 |
5 |
Stamp |
Stamp |
FIX.4.0 |
6 |
Levy |
Levy |
FIX.4.0 |
7 |
Other |
Other |
FIX.4.0 |
8 |
Markup |
Markup |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
ConsumptionTax |
Consumption Tax |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.0 |
140 |
PrevClosePx |
Price |
Previous closing price of security.
FIX.4.0 |
141 |
ResetSeqNumFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates that the both sides of the FIX session should reset sequence numbers.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
No |
No |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
Yes |
Yes, reset sequence numbers |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
142 |
SenderLocationID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message originator’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader)
FIX.4.1 |
143 |
TargetLocationID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message destination’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader)
FIX.4.1 |
144 |
OnBehalfOfLocationID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message originator’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader) if the message was delivered by a third party
FIX.4.1 |
145 |
DeliverToLocationID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify specific message recipient’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader) if the message was delivered by a third party
FIX.4.1 |
146 |
NoRelatedSym |
int |
Specifies the number of repeating symbols specified.
FIX.4.1 |
147 |
Subject |
String |
The subject of an Email message
FIX.4.1 |
148 |
Headline |
String |
The headline of a News message
FIX.4.1 |
149 |
URLLink |
String |
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link to additional information (i.e. http://www.XYZ.com/research.html)
FIX.4.1 |
150 |
ExecType |
char |
Describes the specific ExecutionRpt (i.e. Pending Cancel) while OrdStatus will always identify the current order status (i.e. Partially Filled)
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
PartialFill |
Partial fill |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
Fill |
Fill |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
DoneForDay |
Done for day |
FIX.4.1 |
4 |
Canceled |
Canceled |
FIX.4.1 |
5 |
Replaced |
Replace |
FIX.4.1 |
6 |
PendingCancel |
Pending Cancel (e.g. result of Order Cancel Request) |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
Stopped |
Stopped |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Rejected |
Rejected |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
Suspended |
Suspended |
FIX.4.1 |
A |
PendingNew |
Pending New |
FIX.4.1 |
B |
Calculated |
Calculated |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
Expired |
Expired |
FIX.4.1 |
D |
Restated |
Restated (ExecutionRpt sent unsolicited by sellside, with ExecRestatementReason set) |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
PendingReplace |
Pending Replace (e.g. result of Order Cancel/Replace Request) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.1 |
151 |
LeavesQty |
Qty |
Amount of shares open for further execution. If the OrdStatus is Canceled, DoneForTheDay, Expired, Calculated, or Rejected (in which case the order is no longer active) then LeavesQty could be 0, otherwise LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.1 |
152 |
CashOrderQty |
Qty |
Specifies the approximate order quantity desired in total monetary units vs. as a number of shares. The broker would be responsible for converting and calculating a share quantity (OrderQty) based upon this amount to be used for the actual order and subsequent messages.
FIX.4.1 |
153 |
AllocAvgPx |
Price |
AvgPx for a specific AllocAccount
FIX.4.1 |
154 |
AllocNetMoney |
Amt |
NetMoney for a specific AllocAccount
FIX.4.1 |
155 |
SettlCurrFxRate |
float |
Foreign exchange rate used to compute SettlCurrAmt from Currency to SettlCurrency
FIX.4.1 |
156 |
SettlCurrFxRateCalc |
char |
Specifies whether or not SettlCurrFxRate should be multiplied or divided.
FIX.4.1 |
157 |
NumDaysInterest |
int |
Number of Days of Interest for convertible bonds and fixed income
FIX.4.1 |
158 |
AccruedInterestRate |
float |
Accrued Interest Rate for convertible bonds and fixed income
FIX.4.1 |
159 |
AccruedInterestAmt |
Amt |
Amount of Accrued Interest for convertible bonds and fixed income
FIX.4.1 |
160 |
SettlInstMode |
char |
Indicates mode used for Settlement Instructions
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Default |
Default |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
StandingInstructionsProvided |
Standing Instructions Provided |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
SpecificAllocationAccountOverriding |
Specific Allocation Account Overriding |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
SpecificAllocationAccountStanding |
Specific Allocation Account Standing |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
161 |
AllocText |
String |
Free format text related to a specific AllocAccount.
FIX.4.1 |
162 |
SettlInstID |
String |
Unique identifier for Settlement Instructions message.
FIX.4.1 |
163 |
SettlInstTransType |
char |
Settlement Instructions message transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.4.1 |
N |
New |
New |
FIX.4.1 |
R |
Replace |
Replace |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
164 |
EmailThreadID |
String |
Unique identifier for an email thread (new and chain of replies)
FIX.4.1 |
165 |
SettlInstSource |
char |
Indicates source of Settlement Instructions
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
BrokerCredit |
Brokers Instructions |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
Institution |
Institutions Instructions |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
166 |
SettlLocation |
String |
Identifies Settlement Depository or Country Code (ISITC spec)
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
FIX.4.1 |
DepositoryTrustCompany |
Depository Trust Company |
FIX.4.1 |
EuroClear |
Euroclear |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalBookEntry |
Federal Book Entry |
FIX.4.1 |
ISO Country Code |
LocalMarketSettleLocation |
Local Market Settle Location |
FIX.4.1 |
Physical |
Physical |
FIX.4.1 |
ParticipantTrustCompany |
Participant Trust Company |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
Indicates type of security (ISITC spec)
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
? |
Wildcard |
Wildcard entry (used on Security Definition Request message) |
FIX.4.2 |
BA |
BankersAcceptance |
Bankers Acceptance |
FIX.4.1 |
CB |
ConvertibleBond |
Convertible Bond (Note not part of ISITC spec) |
FIX.4.2 |
CD |
CertificateOfDeposit |
Certificate Of Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
CollateralizedMortgageObligation |
Collateralize Mortgage Obligation |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporateBond |
Corporate Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
CP |
CommercialPaper |
Commercial Paper |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporatePrivatePlacement |
Corporate Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
CS |
CommonStock |
Common Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHousingAuthority |
Federal Housing Authority |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHomeLoan |
Federal Home Loan |
FIX.4.1 |
FN |
FederalNationalMortgageAssociation |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
ForeignExchangeContract |
Foreign Exchange Contract |
FIX.4.1 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.4.1 |
GN |
GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation |
Government National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TreasuriesAgencyDebenture |
Treasuries + Agency Debenture |
FIX.4.1 |
IOETTEMortgage |
Mortgage IOETTE |
FIX.4.2 |
MF |
MutualFund |
Mutual Fund |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgageInterestOnly |
Mortgage Interest Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrincipalOnly |
Mortgage Principal Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrivatePlacement |
Mortgage Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
MiscellaneousPassThrough |
Miscellaneous Pass-Thru |
FIX.4.1 |
MunicipalBond |
Municipal Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
NoSecurityType |
No ISITC Security Type |
FIX.4.1 |
Option |
Option |
FIX.4.1 |
PS |
PreferredStock |
Preferred Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
RP |
RepurchaseAgreement |
Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
ReverseRepurchaseAgreement |
Reverse Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
SL |
StudentLoanMarketingAssociation |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TD |
TimeDeposit |
Time Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
USTreasuryBillOld |
US Treasury Bill |
FIX.4.1 |
Warrant |
Warrant |
FIX.4.1 |
CatsTigersAndLions |
Cats, Tigers & Lions (a real code: US Treasury Receipts) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
168 |
EffectiveTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time the details within the message should take effect (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.1 |
169 |
StandInstDbType |
int |
Identifies the Standing Instruction database used
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Other |
Other |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
ThomsonALERT |
Thomson ALERT |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
AGlobalCustodian |
A Global Custodian (StandInstDbName must be provided) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
170 |
StandInstDbName |
String |
Name of the Standing Instruction database represented with StandInstDbType (i.e. the Global Custodian’s name).
FIX.4.1 |
171 |
StandInstDbID |
String |
Unique identifier used on the Standing Instructions database for the Standing Instructions to be referenced.
FIX.4.1 |
172 |
SettlDeliveryType |
int |
Identifies type of settlement
FIX.4.1 |
173 |
SettlDepositoryCode |
String |
Broker’s account code at the depository (i.e. CEDEL ID for CEDEL, FINS for DTC, or Euroclear ID for Euroclear) if SettlLocation is a depository
FIX.4.1 |
174 |
SettlBrkrCode |
String |
BIC (Bank Identification Code—Swift managed) code of the broker involved (i.e. for multi-company brokerage firms)
FIX.4.1 |
175 |
SettlInstCode |
String |
BIC (Bank Identification Code—Swift managed) code of the institution involved (i.e. for multi-company institution firms)
FIX.4.1 |
176 |
SecuritySettlAgentName |
String |
Name of SettlInstSource's local agent bank if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
177 |
SecuritySettlAgentCode |
String |
BIC (Bank Identification Code--Swift managed) code of the SettlInstSource's local agent bank if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
178 |
SecuritySettlAgentAcctNum |
String |
SettlInstSource's account number at local agent bank if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
179 |
SecuritySettlAgentAcctName |
String |
Name of SettlInstSource's account at local agent bank if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
180 |
SecuritySettlAgentContactName |
String |
Name of contact at local agent bank for SettlInstSource's account if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
181 |
SecuritySettlAgentContactPhone |
String |
Phone number for contact at local agent bank if SettlLocation is not a depository
FIX.4.1 |
182 |
CashSettlAgentName |
String |
Name of SettlInstSource's local agent bank if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
183 |
CashSettlAgentCode |
String |
BIC (Bank Identification Code--Swift managed) code of the SettlInstSource's local agent bank if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
184 |
CashSettlAgentAcctNum |
String |
SettlInstSource's account number at local agent bank if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
185 |
CashSettlAgentAcctName |
String |
Name of SettlInstSource's account at local agent bank if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
186 |
CashSettlAgentContactName |
String |
Name of contact at local agent bank for SettlInstSource's account if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
187 |
CashSettlAgentContactPhone |
String |
Phone number for contact at local agent bank for SettlInstSource's account if SettlDeliveryType=Free
FIX.4.1 |
188 |
BidSpotRate |
Price |
Bid F/X spot rate.y vary and not limited to four)
FIX.4.1 |
189 |
BidForwardPoints |
PriceOffset |
Bid F/X forward points added to spot rate. May be a negative value.
FIX.4.1 |
190 |
OfferSpotRate |
Price |
Offer F/X spot rate.
FIX.4.1 |
191 |
OfferForwardPoints |
PriceOffset |
Offer F/X forward points added to spot rate. May be a negative value.
FIX.4.1 |
192 |
OrderQty2 |
Qty |
OrderQty of the future part of a F/X swap order.
FIX.4.1 |
193 |
FutSettDate2 |
LocalMktDate |
FutSettDate of the future part of a F/X swap order.
FIX.4.1 |
194 |
LastSpotRate |
Price |
F/X spot rate.
FIX.4.1 |
195 |
LastForwardPoints |
PriceOffset |
F/X forward points added to LastSpotRate. May be a negative value.
FIX.4.1 |
196 |
AllocLinkID |
String |
Can be used to link two different Allocation messages (each with unique AllocID) together, i.e. for F/X "Netting" or "Swaps". Should be unique.
FIX.4.1 |
197 |
AllocLinkType |
int |
Identifies the type of Allocation linkage when AllocLinkID is used.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
FXNetting |
F/X Netting |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
FXSwap |
F/X Swap |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
198 |
SecondaryOrderID |
String |
Assigned by the party which accepts the order. Can be used to provide the OrderID used by an exchange or executing system.
FIX.4.1 |
199 |
NoIOIQualifiers |
int |
Number of repeating groups of IOIQualifiers.
FIX.4.1 |
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
Month and Year of the maturity for SecurityType=FUT or SecurityType=OPT. Required if MaturityDay is specified. Format: YYYYMM (i.e. 199903)
FIX.4.1 |
201 |
PutOrCall |
int |
Indicates whether an Option is for a put or call.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Put |
Put |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Call |
Call |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
Strike Price for an Option.
FIX.4.1 |
203 |
CoveredOrUncovered |
int |
Used for options
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Covered |
Covered |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Uncovered |
Uncovered |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
204 |
CustomerOrFirm |
int |
Used for options when delivering the order to an execution system/exchange to specify if the order is for a customer or the firm placing the order itself.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Customer |
Customer |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Firm |
Firm |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
205 |
MaturityDay |
DayOfMonth |
Day of month used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify the maturity date for SecurityType=FUT or SecurityType=OPT.
FIX.4.1 |
206 |
OptAttribute |
char |
Can be used for SecurityType=OPT to identify a particular security.
FIX.4.1 |
207 |
SecurityExchange |
Exchange |
Market used to help identify a security.
FIX.4.1 |
208 |
NotifyBrokerOfCredit |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not details should be communicated to BrokerOfCredit (i.e. step-in broker).
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
DetailsShouldNotBeCommunicated |
Details should not be communicated |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
DetailsShouldBeCommunicated |
Details should be communicated |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
209 |
AllocHandlInst |
int |
Indicates how the receiver (i.e. third party) of Allocation message should handle/process the account details.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Match |
Match |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
Forward |
Forward |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
ForwardAndMatch |
Forward and Match |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers (i.e. sent via an IOI). (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.1 |
211 |
PegDifference |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the price of the peg for a pegged order.
FIX.4.1 |
212 |
XmlDataLen |
Length |
Length of the XmlData data block.
FIX.4.2 |
213 |
XmlData |
data |
Actual XML data stream (e.g. FIXML). See approriate XML reference (e.g. FIXML). Note: may contain embedded SOH characters.
FIX.4.2 |
214 |
SettlInstRefID |
String |
Reference identifier for the SettlInstID with Cancel and Replace SettlInstTransType transaction types.
FIX.4.2 |
215 |
NoRoutingIDs |
int |
Number of repeating groups of RoutingID and RoutingType values. See Appendix L – Pre-Trade Message Targeting/Routing
FIX.4.2 |
216 |
RoutingType |
int |
Indicates the type of RoutingID specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
TargetFirm |
Target Firm |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
TargetList |
Target List |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
BlockFirm |
Block Firm |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
BlockList |
Block List |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
217 |
RoutingID |
String |
Assigned value used to identify a specific routing destination.
FIX.4.2 |
218 |
SpreadToBenchmark |
PriceOffset |
For Fixed Income. Basis points relative to a benchmark. To be expressed as "count of basis points" (vs. an absolute value). E.g. High Grade Corporate Bonds may express price as basis points relative to benchmark (the Benchmark field). Note: Basis points can be negative.
FIX.4.2 |
219 |
Benchmark |
char |
For Fixed Income. Identifies the benchmark (e.g. used in conjunction with the SpreadToBenchmark field).
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
FiveYR |
5-YR |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
OLD5 |
OLD-5 |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
TenYR |
10-YR |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
OLD10 |
OLD-10 |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
ThirtyYR |
30-YR |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
OLD30 |
OLD-30 |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
223 |
CouponRate |
float |
For Fixed Income. Coupon rate of the bond. Will be zero for step-up bonds.
FIX.4.2 |
231 |
ContractMultiplier |
float |
Specifies the ratio or multiply factor to convert from contracts to shares (e.g. 1.0, 100, 1000, etc). Applicable For Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount.
FIX.4.2 |
262 |
String |
Unique identifier for Market Data Request
FIX.4.2 |
263 |
SubscriptionRequestType |
char |
Subscription Request Type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Snapshot |
Snapshot |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
SnapshotAndUpdates |
Snapshot + Updates (Subscribe) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
DisablePreviousSnapshot |
Disable previous Snapshot + Update Request (Unsubscribe) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
264 |
MarketDepth |
int |
Depth of market for Book Snapshot
FIX.4.2 |
265 |
MDUpdateType |
int |
Specifies the type of Market Data update.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
FullRefresh |
Full Refresh |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
IncrementalRefresh |
Incremental Refresh |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
266 |
AggregatedBook |
Boolean |
Specifies whether or not book entries should be aggregated.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
BookEntriesShouldNotBeAggregated |
Multiple entries per side per price allowed |
FIX.4.4EP34 |
Y |
BookEntriesToBeAggregated |
one book entry per side per price |
FIX.4.4EP34 |
FIX.4.2 |
267 |
NoMDEntryTypes |
int |
Number of MDEntryType fields requested.
FIX.4.2 |
268 |
NoMDEntries |
int |
Number of entries in Market Data message.
FIX.4.2 |
269 |
MDEntryType |
char |
Type Market Data entry.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Bid |
Bid |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
Offer |
Offer |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Trade |
Trade |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
IndexValue |
Index Value |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
OpeningPrice |
Opening Price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
ClosingPrice |
Closing Price |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
SettlementPrice |
Settlement Price |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
TradingSessionHighPrice |
Trading Session High Price |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
TradingSessionLowPrice |
Trading Session Low Price |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
TradingSessionVWAPPrice |
Trading Session VWAP Price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
270 |
MDEntryPx |
Price |
Price of the Market Data Entry.
FIX.4.2 |
271 |
MDEntrySize |
Qty |
Number of shares represented by the Market Data Entry.
FIX.4.2 |
272 |
MDEntryDate |
UTCDate |
Date of Market Data Entry.
FIX.4.2 |
273 |
MDEntryTime |
UTCTimeOnly |
Time of Market Data Entry.
FIX.4.2 |
274 |
TickDirection |
char |
Direction of the "tick".
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
PlusTick |
Plus Tick |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
ZeroPlusTick |
Zero-Plus Tick |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
MinusTick |
Minus Tick |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
ZeroMinusTick |
Zero-Minus Tick |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
275 |
MDMkt |
Exchange |
Market posting quote / trade. Valid values: See Appendix C
FIX.4.2 |
276 |
QuoteCondition |
MultipleValueString |
Space-delimited list of conditions describing a quote.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
Open |
Open / Active |
FIX.4.2 |
B |
Closed |
Closed / Inactive |
FIX.4.2 |
C |
ExchangeBest |
Exchange Best |
FIX.4.2 |
D |
ConsolidatedBest |
Consolidated Best |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
Locked |
Locked |
FIX.4.2 |
F |
Crossed |
Crossed |
FIX.4.2 |
G |
Depth |
Depth |
FIX.4.2 |
H |
FastTrading |
Fast Trading |
FIX.4.2 |
I |
NonFirm |
Non-Firm |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
277 |
TradeCondition |
MultipleValueString |
Space-delimited list of conditions describing a trade
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
Cash |
Cash (only) Market |
FIX.4.2 |
B |
AveragePriceTrade |
Average Price Trade |
FIX.4.2 |
C |
CashTrade |
Cash Trade (same day clearing) |
FIX.4.2 |
D |
NextDay |
Next Day (only) Market |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
Opening |
Opening / Reopening Trade Detail |
FIX.4.2 |
F |
IntradayTradeDetail |
Intraday Trade Detail |
FIX.4.2 |
G |
Rule127Trade |
Rule 127 Trade (NYSE) |
FIX.4.2 |
H |
Rule155Trade |
Rule 155 Trade (Amex) |
FIX.4.2 |
I |
SoldLast |
Sold Last (late reporting) |
FIX.4.2 |
J |
NextDayTrade |
Next Day Trade (next day clearing) |
FIX.4.2 |
K |
Opened |
Opened (late report of opened trade) |
FIX.4.2 |
L |
Seller |
Seller |
FIX.4.2 |
M |
Sold |
Sold (out of sequence) |
FIX.4.2 |
N |
StoppedStock |
Stopped Stock (guarantee of price but does not execute the order) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
278 |
MDEntryID |
String |
Unique Market Data Entry identifier.
FIX.4.2 |
279 |
MDUpdateAction |
char |
Type of Market Data update action.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
Change |
Change |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Delete |
Delete |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
280 |
MDEntryRefID |
String |
Refers to a previous MDEntryID.
FIX.4.2 |
281 |
MDReqRejReason |
char |
Reason for the rejection of a Market Data request.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
DuplicateMDReqID |
Duplicate MDReqID |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
InsufficientBandwidth |
Insufficient Bandwidth |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
InsufficientPermissions |
Insufficient Permissions |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
UnsupportedSubscriptionRequestType |
Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
UnsupportedMarketDepth |
Unsupported MarketDepth |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
UnsupportedMDUpdateType |
Unsupported MDUpdateType |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
UnsupportedAggregatedBook |
Unsupported AggregatedBook |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
UnsupportedMDEntryType |
Unsupported MDEntryType |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
282 |
MDEntryOriginator |
String |
Originator of a Market Data Entry
FIX.4.2 |
283 |
LocationID |
String |
Identification of a Market Maker’s location
FIX.4.2 |
284 |
DeskID |
String |
Identification of a Market Maker’s desk
FIX.4.2 |
285 |
DeleteReason |
char |
Reason for deletion.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Cancellation |
Cancelation / Trade Bust |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
Error |
Error |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
286 |
OpenCloseSettleFlag |
char |
Flag that identifies a price.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
DailyOpen |
Daily Open / Close / Settlement price |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
SessionOpen |
Session Open / Close / Settlement price |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
DeliverySettlementEntry |
Delivery Settlement price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
287 |
SellerDays |
int |
Specifies the number of days that may elapse before delivery of the security
FIX.4.2 |
288 |
MDEntryBuyer |
String |
Buying party in a trade
FIX.4.2 |
289 |
MDEntrySeller |
String |
Selling party in a trade
FIX.4.2 |
290 |
MDEntryPositionNo |
int |
Display position of a bid or offer, numbered from most competitive to least competitive, per market side, beginning with 1.
FIX.4.2 |
291 |
FinancialStatus |
char |
Identifies a firm’s financial status.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Bankrupt |
Bankrupt |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
292 |
CorporateAction |
char |
Identifies the type of Corporate Action.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
ExDividend |
Ex-Dividend |
FIX.4.2 |
B |
ExDistribution |
Ex-Distribution |
FIX.4.2 |
C |
ExRights |
Ex-Rights |
FIX.4.2 |
D |
New |
New |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
ExInterest |
Ex-Interest |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
293 |
DefBidSize |
Qty |
Default Bid Size.
FIX.4.2 |
294 |
DefOfferSize |
Qty |
Default Offer Size.
FIX.4.2 |
295 |
NoQuoteEntries |
int |
The number of quote entries for a QuoteSet.
FIX.4.2 |
296 |
NoQuoteSets |
int |
The number of sets of quotes in the message.
FIX.4.2 |
297 |
QuoteAckStatus |
int |
Identifies the status of the quote acknowledgement.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Accepted |
Accepted |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
CancelForSymbol |
Canceled for Symbol(s) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
CanceledForSecurityType |
Canceled for Security Type(s) |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
CanceledForUnderlying |
Canceled for Underlying |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
CanceledAll |
Canceled All |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
Rejected |
Rejected |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
298 |
QuoteCancelType |
int |
Identifies the type of quote cancel.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
CancelForOneOrMoreSecurities |
Cancel for Symbol(s) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
CancelForSecurityType |
Cancel for Security Type(s) |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
CancelForUnderlyingSecurity |
Cancel for Underlying Symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
CancelAllQuotes |
Cancel for All Quotes |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
299 |
QuoteEntryID |
String |
Uniquely identifies the quote as part of a QuoteSet.
FIX.4.2 |
300 |
QuoteRejectReason |
int |
Reason Quote was rejected:
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol (Security) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Exchange |
Exchange (Security) closed |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
QuoteRequestExceedsLimit |
Quote Request exceeds limit |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
TooLateToEnter |
Too late to enter |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
UnknownQuote |
Unknown Quote |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
DuplicateQuote |
Duplicate Quote |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
InvalidBid |
Invalid bid/ask spread |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
InvalidPrice |
Invalid price |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
NotAuthorizedToQuoteSecurity |
Not authorized to quote security |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
301 |
QuoteResponseLevel |
int |
Level of Response requested from receiver of quote messages.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
NoAcknowledgement |
No Acknowledgement (Default) |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
AcknowledgeOnlyNegativeOrErroneousQuotes |
Acknowledge only negative or erroneous quotes |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AcknowledgeEachQuoteMessage |
Acknowledge each quote messages |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
302 |
QuoteSetID |
String |
Unique id for the Quote Set.
FIX.4.2 |
303 |
QuoteRequestType |
int |
Indicates the type of Quote Request being generated
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Manual |
Manual |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Automatic |
Automatic |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
304 |
TotQuoteEntries |
int |
Total number of quotes for the quote set across all messages. Should be the sum of all NoQuoteEntries in each message that has repeating quotes that are part of the same quote set.
FIX.4.2 |
305 |
UnderlyingIDSource |
String |
Underlying security’s IDSource.
FIX.4.2 |
306 |
UnderlyingIssuer |
String |
Underlying security’s Issuer. See Issuer field for description
FIX.4.2 |
307 |
UnderlyingSecurityDesc |
String |
Underlying security’s SecurityDesc. See SecurityDesc field for description
FIX.4.2 |
308 |
UnderlyingSecurityExchange |
Exchange |
Underlying security’s SecurityExchange. Can be used to identify the underlying security.
FIX.4.2 |
309 |
UnderlyingSecurityID |
String |
Underlying security’s SecurityID. See SecurityID field for description
FIX.4.2 |
310 |
UnderlyingSecurityType |
String |
Underlying security’s SecurityType.
FIX.4.2 |
311 |
UnderlyingSymbol |
String |
Underlying security’s Symbol. See Symbol field for description
FIX.4.2 |
312 |
UnderlyingSymbolSfx |
String |
Underlying security’s SymbolSfx. See SymbolSfx field for description
FIX.4.2 |
313 |
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
Underlying security’s MaturityMonthYear. Required if UnderlyingMaturityDay is specified. See MaturityMonthYear field for description
FIX.4.2 |
314 |
UnderlyingMaturityDay |
DayOfMonth |
Underlying security’s MaturityDay. See MaturityDay field for description
FIX.4.2 |
315 |
UnderlyingPutOrCall |
int |
Underlying security’s PutOrCall. See PutOrCall field for description
FIX.4.2 |
316 |
UnderlyingStrikePrice |
Price |
Underlying security’s StrikePrice. See StrikePrice field for description
FIX.4.2 |
317 |
UnderlyingOptAttribute |
char |
Underlying security’s OptAttribute. See OptAttribute field for description
FIX.4.2 |
318 |
UnderlyingCurrency |
Currency |
Underlying security’s Currency. See Currency field for description and valid values
FIX.4.2 |
319 |
RatioQty |
Qty |
Quantity of a particular leg in the security.
FIX.4.2 |
320 |
SecurityReqID |
String |
Unique ID of a Security Definition Request.
FIX.4.2 |
321 |
SecurityRequestType |
int |
Type of Security Definition Request.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
RequestSecurityIdentityAndSpecifications |
Request Security identity and specifications |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RequestSecurityIdentityForSpecifications |
Request Security identity for the specifications provided (Name of the security is not supplied) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
RequestListSecurityTypes |
Request List Security Types |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RequestListSecurities |
Request List Securities (Can be qualified with Symbol, SecurityType, TradingSessionID, SecurityExchange is provided then only list Securities for the specific type) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
322 |
SecurityResponseID |
String |
Unique ID of a Security Definition message.
FIX.4.2 |
323 |
SecurityResponseType |
int |
Type of Security Definition message response.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
AcceptAsIs |
Accept security proposal as is |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AcceptWithRevisions |
Accept security proposal with revisions as indicated in the message |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
ListOfSecurityTypesReturnedPerRequest |
List of security types returned per request |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
ListOfSecuritiesReturnedPerRequest |
List of securities returned per request |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
RejectSecurityProposal |
Reject security proposal |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
CannotMatchSelectionCriteria |
Can not match selection criteria |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
324 |
SecurityStatusReqID |
String |
Unique ID of a Security Status Request message.
FIX.4.2 |
325 |
UnsolicitedIndicator |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not message is being sent as a result of a subscription request or not.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
MessageIsBeingSentAsAResultOfAPriorRequest |
Message is being sent as a result of a prior request |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
MessageIsBeingSentUnsolicited |
Message is being sent unsolicited |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
326 |
SecurityTradingStatus |
int |
Identifies the trading status applicable to the transaction.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
OpeningDelay |
Opening Delay |
FIX.4.2 |
10 |
MarketOnCloseImbalanceSell |
Market On Close Imbalance Sell |
FIX.4.2 |
12 |
NoMarketImbalance |
No Market Imbalance |
FIX.4.2 |
13 |
NoMarketOnCloseImbalance |
No Market On Close Imbalance |
FIX.4.2 |
14 |
ITSPreOpening |
ITS Pre-Opening |
FIX.4.2 |
15 |
NewPriceIndication |
New Price Indication |
FIX.4.2 |
16 |
TradeDisseminationTime |
Trade Dissemination Time |
FIX.4.2 |
17 |
ReadyToTrade |
Ready to trade (start of session) |
FIX.4.2 |
18 |
NotAvailableForTrading |
Not Available for trading (end of session) |
FIX.4.2 |
19 |
NotTradedOnThisMarket |
Not Traded on this Market |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
TradingHalt |
Trading Halt |
FIX.4.2 |
20 |
UnknownOrInvalid |
Unknown or Invalid |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
Resume |
Resume |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
NoOpen |
No Open/No Resume |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
PriceIndication |
Price Indication |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
TradingRangeIndication |
Trading Range Indication |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
MarketImbalanceBuy |
Market Imbalance Buy |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
MarketImbalanceSell |
Market Imbalance Sell |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
MarketOnCloseImbalanceBuy |
Market On Close Imbalance Buy |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
327 |
HaltReason |
char |
Denotes the reason for the Opening Delay or Trading Halt.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
D |
NewsDissemination |
News Dissemination |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
OrderInflux |
Order Influx |
FIX.4.2 |
I |
OrderImbalance |
Order Imbalance |
FIX.4.2 |
M |
AdditionalInformation |
Additional Information |
FIX.4.2 |
P |
NewsPending |
News Pending |
FIX.4.2 |
X |
EquipmentChangeover |
Equipment Changeover |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
328 |
InViewOfCommon |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the halt was due to Common Stock trading being halted.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
HaltWasNotRelatedToAHaltOfTheCommonStock |
Halt was not related to a halt of the common stock |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
HaltWasDueToCommonStockBeingHalted |
Halt was due to common stock being halted |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
329 |
DueToRelated |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the halt was due to the Related Security being halted.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
NotRelatedToSecurityHalt |
Halt was not related to a halt of the related security |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
RelatedToSecurityHalt |
Halt was due to related security being halted |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
330 |
BuyVolume |
Qty |
Number of shares bought.
FIX.4.2 |
331 |
SellVolume |
Qty |
Number of shares sold.
FIX.4.2 |
332 |
HighPx |
Price |
Represents an indication of the high end of the price range for a security prior to the open or reopen
FIX.4.2 |
333 |
LowPx |
Price |
Represents an indication of the low end of the price range for a security prior to the open or reopen
FIX.4.2 |
334 |
Adjustment |
int |
Identifies the type of adjustment.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Error |
Error |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
Correction |
Correction |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
335 |
TradSesReqID |
String |
Unique ID of a Trading Session Status message.
FIX.4.2 |
336 |
TradingSessionID |
String |
Identifier for Trading Session Can be used to represent a specific market trading session (e.g. "PRE-OPEN", "CROSS_2", "AFTER-HOURS", "TOSTNET1", "TOSTNET2", etc). Values should be bi-laterally agreed to between counterparties.
FIX.4.2 |
337 |
ContraTrader |
String |
Identifies the trader (e.g. "badge number") of the ContraBroker.
FIX.4.2 |
338 |
TradSesMethod |
int |
Method of trading
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Electronic |
Electronic |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
OpenOutcry |
Open Outcry |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
TwoParty |
Two Party |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
339 |
TradSesMode |
int |
Trading Session Mode
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Testing |
Testing |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Simulated |
Simulated |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
Production |
Production |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
340 |
TradSesStatus |
int |
State of the trading session.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Halted |
Halted |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
Closed |
Closed |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
PreOpen |
Pre-Open |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
PreClose |
Pre-Close |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
341 |
TradSesStartTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Starting time of the trading session
FIX.4.2 |
342 |
TradSesOpenTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of the opening of the trading session
FIX.4.2 |
343 |
TradSesPreCloseTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of the pre-closed of the trading session
FIX.4.2 |
344 |
TradSesCloseTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Closing time of the trading session
FIX.4.2 |
345 |
TradSesEndTime |
UTCTimestamp |
End time of the trading session
FIX.4.2 |
346 |
NumberOfOrders |
int |
Number of orders in the market.
FIX.4.2 |
347 |
MessageEncoding |
String |
Type of message encoding (non-ASCII (non-English) characters) used in a message’s "Encoded" fields.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
(for using EUC) |
FIX.4.2 |
ISO-2022-JP |
ISO2022JP |
(for using JIS) |
FIX.4.2 |
Shift_JIS |
ShiftJIS |
(for using SJIS) |
FIX.4.2 |
UTF-8 |
UTF8 |
(for using Unicode) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
348 |
EncodedIssuerLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedIssuer field.
FIX.4.2 |
349 |
EncodedIssuer |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the Issuer field.
FIX.4.2 |
350 |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedSecurityDesc field.
FIX.4.2 |
351 |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the SecurityDesc field.
FIX.4.2 |
352 |
EncodedListExecInstLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedListExecInst field.
FIX.4.2 |
353 |
EncodedListExecInst |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ListExecInst field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the ListExecInst field.
FIX.4.2 |
354 |
EncodedTextLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedText field.
FIX.4.2 |
355 |
EncodedText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the Text field.
FIX.4.2 |
356 |
EncodedSubjectLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedSubject field.
FIX.4.2 |
357 |
EncodedSubject |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Subject field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the Subject field.
FIX.4.2 |
358 |
EncodedHeadlineLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedHeadline field.
FIX.4.2 |
359 |
EncodedHeadline |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Headline field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the Headline field.
FIX.4.2 |
360 |
EncodedAllocTextLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedAllocText field.
FIX.4.2 |
361 |
EncodedAllocText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the AllocText field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the AllocText field.
FIX.4.2 |
362 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedUnderlyingIssuer field.
FIX.4.2 |
363 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuer |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the UnderlyingIssuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the UnderlyingIssuer field.
FIX.4.2 |
364 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc field.
FIX.4.2 |
365 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the UnderlyingSecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the UnderlyingSecurityeDesc field.
FIX.4.2 |
366 |
AllocPrice |
Price |
Executed price for an AllocAccount entry used when using "executed price" vs. "average price" allocations (e.g. Japan).
FIX.4.2 |
367 |
QuoteSetValidUntilTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Indicates expiration time of this particular QuoteSet (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
368 |
QuoteEntryRejectReason |
int |
Reason Quote Entry was rejected:
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol (Security) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Exchange |
Exchange (Security) closed |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
QuoteExceedsLimit |
Quote exceeds limit |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
TooLateToEnter |
Too late to enter |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
UnknownQuote |
Unknown Quote |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
DuplicateQuote |
Duplicate Quote |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
InvalidBidAskSpread |
Invalid bid/ask spread |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
InvalidPrice |
Invalid price |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
NotAuthorizedToQuoteSecurity |
Not authorized to quote security |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
369 |
LastMsgSeqNumProcessed |
int |
The last MsgSeqNum value received and processed. Can be specified on every message sent. Useful for detecting a backlog with a counterparty.
FIX.4.2 |
370 |
OnBehalfOfSendingTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Used when a message is sent via a "hub" or "service bureau". If A sends to Q (the hub) who then sends to B via a separate FIX session, then when Q sends to B the value of this field should represent the SendingTime on the message A sent to Q. (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
371 |
RefTagID |
int |
The tag number of the FIX field being referenced.
FIX.4.2 |
372 |
RefMsgType |
String |
The MsgType of the FIX message being referenced.
FIX.4.2 |
373 |
SessionRejectReason |
int |
Code to identify reason for a session-level Reject message.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
InvalidTagNumber |
Invalid tag number |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RequiredTagMissing |
Required tag missing |
FIX.4.2 |
10 |
SendingTimeAccuracyProblem |
SendingTime accuracy problem |
FIX.4.2 |
11 |
InvalidMsgType |
Invalid MsgType |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
TagNotDefinedForThisMessageType |
Tag not defined for this message type |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
UndefinedTag |
Undefined Tag |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
TagSpecifiedWithoutAValue |
Tag specified without a value |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
ValueIsIncorrect |
Value is incorrect (out of range) for this tag |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
IncorrectDataFormatForValue |
Incorrect data format for value |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
DecryptionProblem |
Decryption problem |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
SignatureProblem |
Signature problem |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
CompIDProblem |
CompID problem |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
374 |
BidRequestTransType |
char |
Identifies the Bid Request message type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.4.2 |
N |
New |
New |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
375 |
ContraBroker |
String |
Identifies contra broker. Standard NASD market-maker mnemonic is preferred.
FIX.4.2 |
376 |
ComplianceID |
String |
ID used to represent this transaction for compliance purposes (e.g. OATS reporting).
FIX.4.2 |
377 |
SolicitedFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the order was solicited.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
WasNotSolicited |
Was not solicited |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
WasSolicited |
Was solcitied |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
378 |
ExecRestatementReason |
int |
Code to identify reason for an ExecutionRpt message sent with ExecType=Restated or used when communicating an unsolicited cancel.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
GTCorporateAction |
GT Corporate action |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
GTRenewal |
GT renewal / restatement (no corporate action) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
VerbalChange |
Verbal change |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RepricingOfOrder |
Repricing of order |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
BrokerOption |
Broker option |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
PartialDeclineOfOrderQty |
Partial decline of OrderQty (e.g. exchange-initiated partial cancel) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
379 |
BusinessRejectRefID |
String |
The value of the business-level "ID" field on the message being referenced.
FIX.4.2 |
380 |
BusinessRejectReason |
int |
Code to identify reason for a Business Message Reject message.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Other |
Other |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
UnknownID |
Unkown ID |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
UnknownSecurity |
Unknown Security |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
UnsupportedMessageType |
Unsupported Message Type |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
ApplicationNotAvailable |
Application not available |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
ConditionallyRequiredFieldMissing |
Conditionally Required Field Missing |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
381 |
GrossTradeAmt |
Amt |
Total amount traded (e.g. CumQty * AvgPx) expressed in units of currency.
FIX.4.2 |
382 |
NoContraBrokers |
int |
The number of ContraBroker entries.
FIX.4.2 |
383 |
MaxMessageSize |
int |
Maximum number of bytes supported for a single message.
FIX.4.2 |
384 |
NoMsgTypes |
int |
Number of MsgTypes in repeating group.
FIX.4.2 |
385 |
MsgDirection |
char |
Specifies the direction of the messsage.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
R |
Receive |
Receive |
FIX.4.2 |
S |
Send |
Send |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
386 |
NoTradingSessions |
int |
Number of TradingSessionIDs in repeating group.
FIX.4.2 |
387 |
TotalVolumeTraded |
Qty |
Total volume (quantity) traded.
FIX.4.2 |
388 |
DiscretionInst |
char |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
RelatedToDisplayedPrice |
Related to displayed price |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RelatedToMarketPrice |
Related to market price |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
RelatedToPrimaryPrice |
Related to primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RelatedToLocalPrimaryPrice |
Related to local primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
RelatedToMidpointPrice |
Related to midpoint price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
RelatedToLastTradePrice |
Related to last trade price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
389 |
DiscretionOffset |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst.
FIX.4.2 |
390 |
BidID |
String |
Unique identifier for Bid Response as assigned by broker. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day.
FIX.4.2 |
391 |
ClientBidID |
String |
Unique identifier for a Bid Request as assigned by institution. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day.
FIX.4.2 |
392 |
ListName |
String |
Descriptive name for list order.
FIX.4.2 |
393 |
TotalNumSecurities |
int |
Total number of securities.
FIX.4.2 |
394 |
BidType |
int |
Code to identify the type of Bid Request.
FIX.4.2 |
395 |
NumTickets |
int |
Total number of tickets.
FIX.4.2 |
396 |
SideValue1 |
Amt |
Amounts in currency
FIX.4.2 |
397 |
SideValue2 |
Amt |
Amounts in currency
FIX.4.2 |
398 |
NoBidDescriptors |
int |
Number of BidDescriptor entries.
FIX.4.2 |
399 |
BidDescriptorType |
int |
Code to identify the type of BidDescriptor.
FIX.4.2 |
400 |
BidDescriptor |
String |
BidDescriptor value. Usage depends upon BidDescriptorType.
FIX.4.2 |
401 |
SideValueInd |
int |
Code to identify which "SideValue" the value refers to. SideValue1 and SideValue2 are used as opposed to Buy or Sell so that the basket can be quoted either way as Buy or Sell.
FIX.4.2 |
402 |
LiquidityPctLow |
float |
Liquidity indicator or lower limit if TotalNumSecurities > 1. Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
403 |
LiquidityPctHigh |
float |
Upper liquidity indicator if TotalNumSecurities > 1. Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
404 |
LiquidityValue |
Amt |
Value between LiquidityPctLow and LiquidityPctHigh in Currency
FIX.4.2 |
405 |
EFPTrackingError |
float |
Eg Used in EFP trades 12% (EFP – Exchange for Physical ). Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
406 |
FairValue |
Amt |
Used in EFP trades
FIX.4.2 |
407 |
OutsideIndexPct |
float |
Used in EFP trades. Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
408 |
ValueOfFutures |
Amt |
Used in EFP trades
FIX.4.2 |
409 |
LiquidityIndType |
int |
Code to identify the type of liquidity indicator.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FiveDayMovingAverage |
5 day moving average |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
TwentyDayMovingAverage |
20 day moving average |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
NormalMarketSize |
Normal Market Size |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
Other |
Other |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
410 |
WtAverageLiquidity |
float |
Overall weighted average liquidity expressed as a % of average daily volume. Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
411 |
ExchangeForPhysical |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not to exchange for phsyical.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
False |
False |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
True |
True |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
412 |
OutMainCntryUIndex |
Amt |
Value of stocks in Currency
FIX.4.2 |
413 |
CrossPercent |
float |
Percentage of program that crosses in Currency. Represented as a percentage.
FIX.4.2 |
414 |
ProgRptReqs |
int |
Code to identify the desired frequency of progress reports.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
BuySideRequests |
BuySide explicitly requests status using StatusRequest (Default) The sell-side firm can however, send a DONE status List Status Response in an unsolicited fashion |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
SellSideSends |
SellSide periodically sends status using ListStatus. Period optionally specified in ProgressPeriod |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RealTimeExecutionReports |
Real-time execution reports (to be discouraged) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
415 |
ProgPeriodInterval |
int |
Time in minutes between each ListStatus report sent by SellSide. Zero means don’t send status.
FIX.4.2 |
416 |
IncTaxInd |
int |
Code to represent whether value is net (inclusive of tax) or gross.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Net |
Net |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Gross |
Gross |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
417 |
NumBidders |
int |
Indicates the total number of bidders on the list
FIX.4.2 |
418 |
TradeType |
char |
Code to represent the type of trade.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
Agency |
Agency |
FIX.4.2 |
G |
VWAPGuarantee |
VWAP Guarantee |
FIX.4.2 |
J |
GuaranteedClose |
Guaranteed Close |
FIX.4.2 |
R |
RiskTrade |
Risk Trade |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
419 |
BasisPxType |
char |
Code to represent the basis price type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
2 |
ClosingPriceAtMorningSession |
Closing Price at morning session |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
ClosingPrice |
Closing Price |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
CurrentPrice |
Current price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
SQ |
SQ |
FIX.4.2 |
6 |
VWAPThroughADay |
VWAP through a day |
FIX.4.2 |
7 |
VWAPThroughAMorningSession |
VWAP through a morning session |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
VWAPThroughAnAfternoonSession |
VWAP through an afternoon session |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
VWAPThroughADayExcept |
VWAP through a day except YORI |
FIX.4.2 |
A |
VWAPThroughAMorningSessionExcept |
VWAP through a morning session except YORI |
FIX.4.2 |
B |
VWAPThroughAnAfternoonSessionExcept |
VWAP through an afternoon session except YORI |
FIX.4.2 |
C |
Strike |
Strike |
FIX.4.2 |
D |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.2 |
Z |
Others |
Others |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
420 |
NoBidComponents |
int |
Indicates the number of list entries.
FIX.4.2 |
421 |
Country |
String |
ISO Country Code in field
FIX.4.2 |
422 |
TotNoStrikes |
int |
Total number of strike price entries across all messages. Should be the sum of all NoStrikes in each message that has repeating strike price entries related to the same ListID. Used to support fragmentation.
FIX.4.2 |
423 |
PriceType |
int |
Code to represent the price type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Percentage |
Percentage |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
PerUnit |
per share (e.g. cents per share) |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
FixedAmount |
Fixed Amount (absolute value) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
424 |
DayOrderQty |
Qty |
For GT orders, the OrderQty less all shares (adjusted for stock splits) that traded on previous days. DayOrderQty = OrderQty – (CumQty - DayCumQty)
FIX.4.2 |
425 |
DayCumQty |
Qty |
The number of shares on a GT order that have traded today.
FIX.4.2 |
426 |
DayAvgPx |
Price |
The average price of shares on a GT order that have traded today.
FIX.4.2 |
427 |
GTBookingInst |
int |
Code to identify whether to book out executions on a part-filled GT order on the day of execution or to accumulate.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BookOutAllTradesOnDayOfExecution |
book out all trades on day of execution |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
AccumulateUntilFilledOrExpired |
accumulate executions until order is filled or expires |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AccumulateUntilVerballlyNotifiedOtherwise |
accumulate until verbally notified otherwise |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
428 |
NoStrikes |
int |
Number of list strike price entries.
FIX.4.2 |
429 |
ListStatusType |
int |
Code to represent the price type.
FIX.4.2 |
430 |
NetGrossInd |
int |
Code to represent whether value is net (inclusive of tax) or gross.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Net |
Net |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
Gross |
Gross |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
431 |
ListOrderStatus |
int |
Code to represent the status of a list order.
FIX.4.2 |
432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
Date of order expiration (last day the order can trade), always expressed in terms of the local market date. The time at which the order expires is determined by the local market’s business practices
FIX.4.2 |
433 |
ListExecInstType |
char |
Identifies the type of ListExecInst.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Immediate |
Immediate |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
WaitForInstruction |
Wait for Execute Instruction (e.g. a List Execute message or phone call before proceeding with execution of the list) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
434 |
CxlRejResponseTo |
char |
Identifies the type of request that a Cancel Reject is in response to.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
OrderCancelRequest |
Order Cancel Request |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
OrderCancel |
Order Cancel/Replace Request |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
435 |
UnderlyingCouponRate |
float |
Underlying security’s CouponRate. See CouponRate field for description
FIX.4.2 |
436 |
UnderlyingContractMultiplier |
float |
Underlying security’s ContractMultiplier. See ContractMultiplier field for description
FIX.4.2 |
437 |
ContraTradeQty |
Qty |
Quantity traded with the ContraBroker.
FIX.4.2 |
438 |
ContraTradeTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Identifes the time of the trade with the ContraBroker. (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
439 |
ClearingFirm |
String |
Firm that will clear the trade. Used if different from the executing firm.
FIX.4.2 |
440 |
ClearingAccount |
String |
Supplemental accounting information forwared to clearing house/firm.
FIX.4.2 |
441 |
LiquidityNumSecurities |
int |
Number of Securites between LiquidityPctLow and LiquidityPctHigh in Currency.
FIX.4.2 |
442 |
MultiLegReportingType |
char |
Used to indicate what an Execution Report represents (e.g. used with multi-leg securiteis, such as option strategies, spreads, etc.).
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
SingleSecurity |
Single Security (default if not specified) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
IndividualLegOfAMultiLegSecurity |
Individual leg of a multi-leg security |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
MultiLegSecurity |
Multi-leg security |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
443 |
StrikeTime |
UTCTimestamp |
The time at which current market prices are used to determine the value of a basket.
FIX.4.2 |
444 |
ListStatusText |
String |
Free format text string related to List Status.
FIX.4.2 |
445 |
EncodedListStatusTextLen |
Length |
Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedListStatusText field.
FIX.4.2 |
446 |
EncodedListStatusText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ListStatusText field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the ListStatusText field.
FIX.4.2 |
The Heartbeat monitors the status of the communication link and identifies when the last of a string of messages was not received.
The test request message forces a heartbeat from the opposing application.
The resend request is sent by the receiving application to initiate the retransmission of messages. This function is utilized if a sequence number gap is detected, if the receiving application lost a message, or as a function of the initialization process.
The reject message should be issued when a message is received but cannot be properly processed due to a session-level rule violation.
The sequence reset message is used by the sending application to reset the incoming sequence number on the opposing side.
The logout message initiates or confirms the termination of a FIX session.
Indication of interest messages market merchandise which the broker is buying or selling in either a proprietary or agency capacity.
Advertisement messages are used to announce completed transactions.
Tag |
Name |
Reqd |
Type |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
StandardHeader |
✔ |
MsgType = 8 |
FIX.2.7 |
37 |
OrderID |
✔ |
String |
OrderID is required to be unique for each chain of orders.
FIX.2.7 |
198 |
SecondaryOrderID |
String |
Can be used to provide order id used by exchange or executing system.
FIX.4.1 |
11 |
ClOrdID |
String |
Required for executions against electronically submitted orders which were assigned an ID by the institution. Not required for orders manually entered by the broker.
FIX.2.7 |
41 |
OrigClOrdID |
String |
Conditionally required for response to an electronic Cancel or Cancel/Replace request (ExecType=PendingCancel, Replaced, or Canceled). ClOrdID of the previous order (NOT the initial order of the day) when canceling or replacing an order.
FIX.4.1 |
109 |
ClientID |
String |
Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.3.0 |
76 |
ExecBroker |
String |
Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.2.7 |
382 |
NoContraBrokers |
int |
Number of ContraBrokers repeating group instances.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒375 |
ContraBroker |
String |
First field in repeating group. Required if NoContraBrokers > 0.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒337 |
ContraTrader |
String |
Identifies the trader (e.g. "badge number") of the ContraBroker.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒437 |
ContraTradeQty |
Qty |
Quantity traded with the ContraBroker.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒438 |
ContraTradeTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Identifes the time of the trade with the ContraBroker. (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
66 |
ListID |
String |
Required for executions against orders which were submitted as part of a list.
FIX.2.7 |
17 |
ExecID |
✔ |
String |
Must be unique for each Execution Report message
FIX.2.7 |
20 |
ExecTransType |
✔ |
char |
Identifies transaction type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cancel |
Cancel |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Correct |
Correct |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Status |
Status |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
19 |
ExecRefID |
String |
Required for Cancel and Correct ExecTransType messages
FIX.2.7 |
150 |
ExecType |
✔ |
char |
Describes the type of execution report. Same possible values as OrdStatus.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
PartialFill |
Partial fill |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
Fill |
Fill |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
DoneForDay |
Done for day |
FIX.4.1 |
4 |
Canceled |
Canceled |
FIX.4.1 |
5 |
Replaced |
Replace |
FIX.4.1 |
6 |
PendingCancel |
Pending Cancel (e.g. result of Order Cancel Request) |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
Stopped |
Stopped |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Rejected |
Rejected |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
Suspended |
Suspended |
FIX.4.1 |
A |
PendingNew |
Pending New |
FIX.4.1 |
B |
Calculated |
Calculated |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
Expired |
Expired |
FIX.4.1 |
D |
Restated |
Restated (ExecutionRpt sent unsolicited by sellside, with ExecRestatementReason set) |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
PendingReplace |
Pending Replace (e.g. result of Order Cancel/Replace Request) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.1 |
39 |
OrdStatus |
✔ |
char |
Describes the current state of a CHAIN of orders, same scope as OrderQty, CumQty, LeavesQty, and AvgPx
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
New |
New |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
PartiallyFilled |
Partially filled |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Filled |
Filled |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
DoneForDay |
Done for day |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
Canceled |
Canceled |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Replaced |
Replaced |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
6 |
PendingCancel |
Pending Cancel (e.g. result of Order Cancel Request) |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Stopped |
Stopped |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
Rejected |
Rejected |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
Suspended |
Suspended |
FIX.3.0 |
A |
PendingNew |
Pending New |
FIX.3.0 |
B |
Calculated |
Calculated |
FIX.4.0 |
C |
Expired |
Expired |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
AcceptedForBidding |
Accepted for bidding |
FIX.4.2 |
E |
PendingReplace |
Pending Replace (e.g. result of Order Cancel/Replace Request) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
103 |
OrdRejReason |
int |
For optional use with ExecType = 8 (Rejected)
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BrokerCredit |
Broker option |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
UnknownSymbol |
Unknown symbol |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
ExchangeClosed |
Exchange closed |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
OrderExceedsLimit |
Order exceeds limit |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TooLateToEnter |
Too late to enter |
FIX.4.0 |
5 |
UnknownOrder |
Unknown Order |
FIX.4.1 |
6 |
DuplicateOrder |
Duplicate Order (e.g. dupe ClOrdID) |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
DuplicateOfAVerballyCommunicatedOrder |
Duplicate of a verbally communicated order |
FIX.4.2 |
8 |
StaleOrder |
Stale Order |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
378 |
ExecRestatementReason |
int |
Required for ExecType = D (Restated).
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
GTCorporateAction |
GT Corporate action |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
GTRenewal |
GT renewal / restatement (no corporate action) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
VerbalChange |
Verbal change |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RepricingOfOrder |
Repricing of order |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
BrokerOption |
Broker option |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
PartialDeclineOfOrderQty |
Partial decline of OrderQty (e.g. exchange-initiated partial cancel) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
Account |
String |
Required for executions against electronically submitted orders which were assigned an account by the institution
FIX.2.7 |
63 |
SettlmntTyp |
char |
Absence of this field is interpreted as Regular.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
Regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cash |
Cash |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
NextDay |
Next Day |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
TPlus2 |
T+2 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TPlus3 |
T+3 |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
TPlus4 |
T+4 |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
WhenAndIfIssued |
When Issued |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
SellersOption |
Sellers Option |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
TPlus5 |
T+ 5 |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
64 |
FutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
Required when SettlmntTyp = 6 (Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers Option)
FIX.2.7 |
55 |
Symbol |
✔ |
String |
Ticker symbol
FIX.2.7 |
65 |
SymbolSfx |
String |
Additional information about the security (e.g. preferred, warrants, etc.). Note also see SecurityType. Valid values: As defined in the NYSE Stock and bond Symbol Directory and in the AMEX Fitch Directory
FIX.2.7 |
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
CUSIP or other alternate security identifier
FIX.2.7 |
22 |
IDSource |
String |
Identifies class of alternative SecurityID
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
ISINNumber |
ISIN number |
FIX.3.0 |
5 |
RICCode |
RIC code |
FIX.3.0 |
6 |
ISOCurrencyCode |
ISO Currency Code |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
ISOCountryCode |
ISO Country Code |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
ExchangeSymbol |
Exchange Symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
ConsolidatedTapeAssociation |
Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) Symbol (SIAC CTS/CQS line format) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
Must be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
? |
Wildcard |
Wildcard entry (used on Security Definition Request message) |
FIX.4.2 |
BA |
BankersAcceptance |
Bankers Acceptance |
FIX.4.1 |
CB |
ConvertibleBond |
Convertible Bond (Note not part of ISITC spec) |
FIX.4.2 |
CD |
CertificateOfDeposit |
Certificate Of Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
CollateralizedMortgageObligation |
Collateralize Mortgage Obligation |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporateBond |
Corporate Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
CP |
CommercialPaper |
Commercial Paper |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporatePrivatePlacement |
Corporate Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
CS |
CommonStock |
Common Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHousingAuthority |
Federal Housing Authority |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHomeLoan |
Federal Home Loan |
FIX.4.1 |
FN |
FederalNationalMortgageAssociation |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
ForeignExchangeContract |
Foreign Exchange Contract |
FIX.4.1 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.4.1 |
GN |
GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation |
Government National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TreasuriesAgencyDebenture |
Treasuries + Agency Debenture |
FIX.4.1 |
IOETTEMortgage |
Mortgage IOETTE |
FIX.4.2 |
MF |
MutualFund |
Mutual Fund |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgageInterestOnly |
Mortgage Interest Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrincipalOnly |
Mortgage Principal Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrivatePlacement |
Mortgage Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
MiscellaneousPassThrough |
Miscellaneous Pass-Thru |
FIX.4.1 |
MunicipalBond |
Municipal Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
NoSecurityType |
No ISITC Security Type |
FIX.4.1 |
Option |
Option |
FIX.4.1 |
PS |
PreferredStock |
Preferred Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
RP |
RepurchaseAgreement |
Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
ReverseRepurchaseAgreement |
Reverse Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
SL |
StudentLoanMarketingAssociation |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TD |
TimeDeposit |
Time Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
USTreasuryBillOld |
US Treasury Bill |
FIX.4.1 |
Warrant |
Warrant |
FIX.4.1 |
CatsTigersAndLions |
Cats, Tigers & Lions (a real code: US Treasury Receipts) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
Specifiesthe month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified.
FIX.4.1 |
205 |
MaturityDay |
DayOfMonth |
Can be used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify a particular maturity date.
FIX.4.1 |
201 |
PutOrCall |
int |
For Options.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Put |
Put |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Call |
Call |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
206 |
OptAttribute |
char |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
231 |
ContractMultiplier |
float |
For Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount.
FIX.4.2 |
223 |
CouponRate |
float |
For Fixed Income.
FIX.4.2 |
207 |
SecurityExchange |
Exchange |
Can be used to identify the security.
FIX.4.1 |
106 |
Issuer |
String |
Company name of security issuer (e.g. International Business Machines)
FIX.3.0 |
348 |
EncodedIssuerLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedIssuer field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
349 |
EncodedIssuer |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
107 |
SecurityDesc |
String |
Security description.
FIX.3.0 |
350 |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedSecurityDesc field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
351 |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
54 |
Side |
✔ |
char |
Side of order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Buy |
Buy |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Sell |
Sell |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
BuyMinus |
Buy minus |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SellPlus |
Sell plus |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SellShort |
Sell short |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
SellShortExempt |
Sell short exempt |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Undisclosed |
Undisclosed (valid for IOI and List Order messages only) |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Cross |
Cross (orders where counterparty is an exchange, valid for all messages except IOIs) |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
CrossShort |
Cross short |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Not required for a rejected cash order or an order ack for a cash order.
FIX.2.7 |
152 |
CashOrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Specifies the approximate "monetary quantity" conveyed on the order. Broker is responsible for converting and calculating OrderQty in shares for subsequent messages involving fills.
FIX.4.2 |
40 |
OrdType |
char |
Order type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Market |
Market |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Limit |
Limit |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Stop |
Stop |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
StopLimit |
Stop limit |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
MarketOnClose |
Market on close |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
WithOrWithout |
With or without |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
LimitOrBetter |
Limit or better |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
LimitWithOrWithout |
Limit with or without |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
OnBasis |
On basis |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
OnClose |
On close |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
LimitOnClose |
Limit on close |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
ForexMarket |
Forex - Market |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
PreviouslyQuoted |
Previously quoted |
FIX.4.0 |
E |
PreviouslyIndicated |
Previously indicated |
FIX.4.0 |
F |
ForexLimit |
Forex - Limit |
FIX.4.1 |
G |
ForexSwap |
Forex - Swap |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ForexPreviouslyQuoted |
Forex - Previously Quoted |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
Funari |
Funari (Limit Day Order with unexecuted portion handled as Market On Close. e.g. Japan) |
FIX.4.2 |
P |
Pegged |
Pegged |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
44 |
Price |
Price |
Required if specified on the order
FIX.2.7 |
99 |
StopPx |
Price |
Required if specified on the order
FIX.2.7 |
211 |
PegDifference |
PriceOffset |
Required if specified on the order
FIX.4.1 |
388 |
DiscretionInst |
char |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
RelatedToDisplayedPrice |
Related to displayed price |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RelatedToMarketPrice |
Related to market price |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
RelatedToPrimaryPrice |
Related to primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RelatedToLocalPrimaryPrice |
Related to local primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
RelatedToMidpointPrice |
Related to midpoint price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
RelatedToLastTradePrice |
Related to last trade price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
389 |
DiscretionOffset |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst.
FIX.4.2 |
15 |
Currency |
Currency |
Identifies currency used for price. Absence of this field is interpreted as the default for the security. It is recommended that systems provide the currency value whenever possible. See Appendix A: Valid Currency Codes for information on obtaining valid values.
FIX.2.7 |
376 |
ComplianceID |
String |
ID used to represent this transaction for compliance purposes (e.g. OATS reporting).
FIX.4.2 |
377 |
SolicitedFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the order was solicited.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
WasNotSolicited |
Was not solicited |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
WasSolicited |
Was solcitied |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
59 |
TimeInForce |
char |
Absence of this field indicates Day order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Day |
Day |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
GoodTillCancel |
Good Till Cancel (GTC) |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AtTheOpening |
At the Opening (OPG) |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ImmediateOrCancel |
Immediate or Cancel (IOC) |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
FillOrKill |
Fill or Kill (FOK) |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
GoodTillCrossing |
Good Till Crossing (GTX) |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
GoodTillDate |
Good Till Date |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
168 |
EffectiveTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time specified on the order at which the order should be considered valid
FIX.4.2 |
432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireTime is not specified.
FIX.4.2 |
126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireDate is not specified.
FIX.4.0 |
18 |
ExecInst |
MultipleValueString |
Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
StayOnOfferSide |
Stay on offerside |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
NotHeld |
Not held |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Work |
Work |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
GoAlong |
Go along |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
OverTheDay |
Over the day |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Held |
Held |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
ParticipateDoNotInitiate |
Participate don't initiate |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
StrictScale |
Strict scale |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
TryToScale |
Try to scale |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
StayOnBidSide |
Stay on bidside |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
NoCross |
No cross (cross is forbidden) |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
OKToCross |
OK to cross |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
CallFirst |
Call first |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
PercentOfVolume |
Percent of volume (indicates that the sender does not want to be all of the volume on the floor vs. a specific percentage) |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
DoNotIncrease |
Do not increase - DNI |
FIX.2.7 |
F |
DoNotReduce |
Do not reduce - DNR |
FIX.2.7 |
G |
AllOrNone |
All or none - AON |
FIX.2.7 |
I |
InstitutionsOnly |
Institutions only |
FIX.3.0 |
L |
LastPeg |
Last peg (last sale) |
FIX.3.0 |
M |
MidPricePeg |
Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote) |
FIX.3.0 |
N |
NonNegotiable |
Non-negotiable |
FIX.3.0 |
O |
OpeningPeg |
Opening peg |
FIX.3.0 |
P |
MarketPeg |
Market peg |
FIX.3.0 |
R |
PrimaryPeg |
Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer) |
FIX.3.0 |
S |
Suspend |
Suspend |
FIX.3.0 |
T |
FixedPegToLocalBestBidOrOfferAtTimeOfOrder |
Fixed Peg to Local best bid or offer at time of order |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
U |
CustomerDisplayInstruction |
Customer Display Instruction (Rule11Ac1-1/4) |
FIX.4.1 |
V |
Netting |
Netting (for Forex) |
FIX.4.1 |
W |
Peg to VWAP |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
47 |
Rule80A |
char |
Note that the name of this field is changing to "OrderCapacity" as Rule80A is a very US market-specific term. Other world markets need to convey similar information, however, often a subset of the US values. . See the "Rule80A (aka OrderCapacity) Usage by Market" appendix for market-specific usage of this field.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
AgencySingleOrder |
Agency single order |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
ShortExemptTransactionAType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to A type) |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
ProprietaryNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
ProgramOrderMember |
Program Order, index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
ShortExemptTransactionForPrincipal |
Registered Equity Market Maker trades |
FIX.4.1 |
F |
ShortExemptTransactionWType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to W type) |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ShortExemptTransactionIType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to I type) |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
IndividualInvestor |
Individual Investor, single order |
FIX.2.7 |
J |
ProprietaryAlgo |
Program Order, index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
K |
AgencyAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
L |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to P and O types) |
FIX.4.1 |
M |
ProgramOrderOtherMember |
Program Order, index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
AgentForOtherMember |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
O |
ProprietaryTransactionAffiliated |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
P |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.4.1 |
R |
TransactionNonMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
S |
SpecialistTrades |
Specialist trades |
FIX.4.1 |
T |
TransactionUnaffiliatedMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
U |
AgencyIndexArb |
Program Order, index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
W |
AllOtherOrdersAsAgentForOtherMember |
All other orders as agent for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
X |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberNotAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker not affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to W and T types) |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
AgencyNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
Z |
ShortExemptTransactionNonMember |
Short exempt transaction for non-member competing market-maker (refer to A and R types) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
32 |
LastShares |
Qty |
Quantity of shares bought/sold on this (last) fill. Not required ExecTransType = 3 (Status). When required, should be "0" for non-fills ("fill" defined as ExecTransType=New and ExecType=Partial Fill or Fill) unless noted below.
If ExecType=Stopped, represents the quantity stopped/guaranteed/protected for.
FIX.2.7 |
31 |
LastPx |
Price |
Price of this (last) fill. Not required for ExecTransType = 3 (Status), Should represent the "all-in" (LastSpotRate + LastForwardPoints) rate for F/X orders. ). When required, should be "0" for non-fills ("fill" defined as ExecTransType=New and ExecType=Partial Fill or Fill) unless noted below.
If ExecType=Stopped, represents the price stopped/guaranteed/protected at.
FIX.2.7 |
194 |
LastSpotRate |
Price |
Applicable for F/X orders
FIX.4.1 |
195 |
LastForwardPoints |
PriceOffset |
Applicable for F/X orders
FIX.4.1 |
30 |
LastMkt |
Exchange |
Market of execution for last fill
FIX.2.7 |
336 |
TradingSessionID |
String |
Identifier for Trading Session Can be used to represent a specific market trading session (e.g. "PRE-OPEN", "CROSS_2", "AFTER-HOURS", "TOSTNET1", "TOSTNET2", etc). Values should be bi-laterally agreed to between counterparties.
FIX.4.2 |
29 |
LastCapacity |
char |
Broker capacity in order execution
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Agent |
Agent |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
CrossAsAgent |
Cross as agent |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
CrossAsPrincipal |
Cross as principal |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
151 |
LeavesQty |
✔ |
Qty |
Amount of shares open for further execution. If the OrdStatus is Canceled, DoneForTheDay, Expired, Calculated, or Rejected (in which case the order is no longer active) then LeavesQty could be 0, otherwise LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty.
FIX.4.1 |
14 |
CumQty |
✔ |
Qty |
Currently executed shares for chain of orders.
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
AvgPx |
✔ |
Price |
Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
FIX.2.7 |
424 |
DayOrderQty |
Qty |
For GT orders on days following the day of the first trade.
FIX.4.2 |
425 |
DayCumQty |
Qty |
For GT orders on days following the day of the first trade.
FIX.4.2 |
426 |
DayAvgPx |
Price |
For GT orders on days following the day of the first trade.
FIX.4.2 |
427 |
GTBookingInst |
int |
States whether executions are booked out or accumulated on a partially filled GT order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BookOutAllTradesOnDayOfExecution |
book out all trades on day of execution |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
AccumulateUntilFilledOrExpired |
accumulate executions until order is filled or expires |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AccumulateUntilVerballlyNotifiedOtherwise |
accumulate until verbally notified otherwise |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
75 |
TradeDate |
LocalMktDate |
Used when reporting other than current day trades.
FIX.2.7 |
60 |
TransactTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time the transaction represented by this ExecutionReport occurred
FIX.2.7 |
113 |
ReportToExch |
Boolean |
Identifies party of trade responsible for exchange reporting.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
SenderReports |
Indicates that party sending message will report trade |
FIX.3.0 |
Y |
ReceiverReports |
Indicates that party receiving message must report trade |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.3.0 |
12 |
Commission |
Amt |
On a fill/partial fill messages, it represents value for that fill/partial fill, on ExecType=Calculated, it represents cumulative value for the order. Monetary commission values are expressed in the currency reflected by the Currency field.
FIX.2.7 |
13 |
CommType |
char |
Commission type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
PerUnit |
per share |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Percent |
percentage |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Absolute |
absolute |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
381 |
GrossTradeAmt |
Amt |
Total amount traded (e.g. CumQty * AvgPx) expressed in units of currency.
FIX.4.2 |
119 |
SettlCurrAmt |
Amt |
Used to report results of forex accommodation trade
FIX.4.0 |
120 |
SettlCurrency |
Currency |
Used to report results of forex accommodation trade
FIX.4.0 |
155 |
SettlCurrFxRate |
float |
Foreign exchange rate used to compute SettlCurrAmt from Currency to SettlCurrency
FIX.4.1 |
156 |
SettlCurrFxRateCalc |
char |
Specifies whether the SettlCurrFxRate should be multiplied or divided
FIX.4.1 |
21 |
HandlInst |
char |
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention |
Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK |
Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ManualOrder |
Manual order, best execution |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.4.2 |
110 |
MinQty |
Qty |
Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.2 |
111 |
MaxFloor |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown on the exchange floor at any given time. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.2 |
77 |
OpenClose |
char |
For options
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Close |
Close |
FIX.4.1 |
O |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.2 |
210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers (i.e. sent via an IOI). (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.2 |
58 |
Text |
String |
Free format text string (Note: this field does not have a specified maximum length)
FIX.2.7 |
354 |
EncodedTextLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
355 |
EncodedText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
193 |
FutSettDate2 |
LocalMktDate |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the "value date" for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.2 |
192 |
OrderQty2 |
Qty |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.2 |
439 |
ClearingFirm |
String |
Firm that will clear the trade. Used if different from the executing firm.
FIX.4.2 |
440 |
ClearingAccount |
String |
Supplemental accounting information forwared to clearing house/firm.
FIX.4.2 |
442 |
MultiLegReportingType |
char |
Default is a single security if not specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
SingleSecurity |
Single Security (default if not specified) |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
IndividualLegOfAMultiLegSecurity |
Individual leg of a multi-leg security |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
MultiLegSecurity |
Multi-leg security |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
StandardTrailer |
✔ |
FIX.2.7 |
The order cancel reject message is issued by the broker upon receipt of a cancel request or cancel/replace request message which cannot be honored.
The logon message authenticates a user establishing a connection to a remote system.
The news message is a general free format message between the broker and institution.
The email message is similar to the format and purpose of to the News message, however, it is intended for private use between two parties.
The new order message type is used by institutions wishing to electronically submit securities and forex orders to a broker for execution.
Tag |
Name |
Reqd |
Type |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
StandardHeader |
✔ |
MsgType = D |
FIX.2.7 |
11 |
ClOrdID |
✔ |
String |
Unique identifier of the order as assigned by institution.
FIX.2.7 |
109 |
ClientID |
String |
Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.3.0 |
76 |
ExecBroker |
String |
Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Account |
String |
Account mnemonic as agreed between broker and institution.
FIX.2.7 |
78 |
NoAllocs |
int |
Number of repeating groups for pre-trade allocation
FIX.4.2 |
⇒79 |
AllocAccount |
String |
Required if NoAllocs > 0. Must be first field in repeating group.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒80 |
AllocShares |
Qty |
Number of shares to be allocated to specific sub-account (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.2 |
63 |
SettlmntTyp |
char |
Absence of this field is interpreted as Regular.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
Regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cash |
Cash |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
NextDay |
Next Day |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
TPlus2 |
T+2 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TPlus3 |
T+3 |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
TPlus4 |
T+4 |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
WhenAndIfIssued |
When Issued |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
SellersOption |
Sellers Option |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
TPlus5 |
T+ 5 |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
64 |
FutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
Required when SettlmntTyp = 6 (Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers Option)
FIX.2.7 |
21 |
HandlInst |
✔ |
char |
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention |
Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK |
Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ManualOrder |
Manual order, best execution |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
18 |
ExecInst |
MultipleValueString |
Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited. If OrdType=P, exactly one of the following values (ExecInst = L, R, M, P, O, T, or W) must be specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
StayOnOfferSide |
Stay on offerside |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
NotHeld |
Not held |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Work |
Work |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
GoAlong |
Go along |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
OverTheDay |
Over the day |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Held |
Held |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
ParticipateDoNotInitiate |
Participate don't initiate |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
StrictScale |
Strict scale |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
TryToScale |
Try to scale |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
StayOnBidSide |
Stay on bidside |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
NoCross |
No cross (cross is forbidden) |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
OKToCross |
OK to cross |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
CallFirst |
Call first |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
PercentOfVolume |
Percent of volume (indicates that the sender does not want to be all of the volume on the floor vs. a specific percentage) |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
DoNotIncrease |
Do not increase - DNI |
FIX.2.7 |
F |
DoNotReduce |
Do not reduce - DNR |
FIX.2.7 |
G |
AllOrNone |
All or none - AON |
FIX.2.7 |
I |
InstitutionsOnly |
Institutions only |
FIX.3.0 |
L |
LastPeg |
Last peg (last sale) |
FIX.3.0 |
M |
MidPricePeg |
Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote) |
FIX.3.0 |
N |
NonNegotiable |
Non-negotiable |
FIX.3.0 |
O |
OpeningPeg |
Opening peg |
FIX.3.0 |
P |
MarketPeg |
Market peg |
FIX.3.0 |
R |
PrimaryPeg |
Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer) |
FIX.3.0 |
S |
Suspend |
Suspend |
FIX.3.0 |
T |
FixedPegToLocalBestBidOrOfferAtTimeOfOrder |
Fixed Peg to Local best bid or offer at time of order |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
U |
CustomerDisplayInstruction |
Customer Display Instruction (Rule11Ac1-1/4) |
FIX.4.1 |
V |
Netting |
Netting (for Forex) |
FIX.4.1 |
W |
Peg to VWAP |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
110 |
MinQty |
Qty |
Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
111 |
MaxFloor |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown on the exchange floor at any given time. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.2.7 |
100 |
ExDestination |
Exchange |
Execution destination as defined by institution when order is entered. Valid values: See Appendix C
FIX.2.7 |
386 |
NoTradingSessions |
int |
Specifies the number of repeating TradingSessionIDs
FIX.4.2 |
⇒336 |
TradingSessionID |
String |
Required if NoTradingSessions is > 0.
FIX.4.2 |
81 |
ProcessCode |
char |
Used to identify soft trades at order entry.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
SoftDollar |
soft dollar |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
StepIn |
step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
StepOut |
step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SoftDollarStepIn |
soft-dollar step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SoftDollarStepOut |
soft-dollar step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
PlanSponsor |
plan sponsor |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
55 |
Symbol |
✔ |
String |
Ticker symbol
FIX.2.7 |
65 |
SymbolSfx |
String |
Additional information about the security (e.g. preferred, warrants, etc.). Note also see SecurityType. Valid values: As defined in the NYSE Stock and bond Symbol Directory and in the AMEX Fitch Directory
FIX.2.7 |
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
CUSIP or other alternate security identifier
FIX.2.7 |
22 |
IDSource |
String |
Identifies class of alternative SecurityID
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
ISINNumber |
ISIN number |
FIX.3.0 |
5 |
RICCode |
RIC code |
FIX.3.0 |
6 |
ISOCurrencyCode |
ISO Currency Code |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
ISOCountryCode |
ISO Country Code |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
ExchangeSymbol |
Exchange Symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
ConsolidatedTapeAssociation |
Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) Symbol (SIAC CTS/CQS line format) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
Must be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
? |
Wildcard |
Wildcard entry (used on Security Definition Request message) |
FIX.4.2 |
BA |
BankersAcceptance |
Bankers Acceptance |
FIX.4.1 |
CB |
ConvertibleBond |
Convertible Bond (Note not part of ISITC spec) |
FIX.4.2 |
CD |
CertificateOfDeposit |
Certificate Of Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
CollateralizedMortgageObligation |
Collateralize Mortgage Obligation |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporateBond |
Corporate Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
CP |
CommercialPaper |
Commercial Paper |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporatePrivatePlacement |
Corporate Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
CS |
CommonStock |
Common Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHousingAuthority |
Federal Housing Authority |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHomeLoan |
Federal Home Loan |
FIX.4.1 |
FN |
FederalNationalMortgageAssociation |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
ForeignExchangeContract |
Foreign Exchange Contract |
FIX.4.1 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.4.1 |
GN |
GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation |
Government National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TreasuriesAgencyDebenture |
Treasuries + Agency Debenture |
FIX.4.1 |
IOETTEMortgage |
Mortgage IOETTE |
FIX.4.2 |
MF |
MutualFund |
Mutual Fund |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgageInterestOnly |
Mortgage Interest Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrincipalOnly |
Mortgage Principal Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrivatePlacement |
Mortgage Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
MiscellaneousPassThrough |
Miscellaneous Pass-Thru |
FIX.4.1 |
MunicipalBond |
Municipal Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
NoSecurityType |
No ISITC Security Type |
FIX.4.1 |
Option |
Option |
FIX.4.1 |
PS |
PreferredStock |
Preferred Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
RP |
RepurchaseAgreement |
Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
ReverseRepurchaseAgreement |
Reverse Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
SL |
StudentLoanMarketingAssociation |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TD |
TimeDeposit |
Time Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
USTreasuryBillOld |
US Treasury Bill |
FIX.4.1 |
Warrant |
Warrant |
FIX.4.1 |
CatsTigersAndLions |
Cats, Tigers & Lions (a real code: US Treasury Receipts) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
Specifiesthe month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified.
FIX.4.1 |
205 |
MaturityDay |
DayOfMonth |
Can be used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify a particular maturity date.
FIX.4.1 |
201 |
PutOrCall |
int |
For Options.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Put |
Put |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Call |
Call |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
206 |
OptAttribute |
char |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
231 |
ContractMultiplier |
float |
For Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount.
FIX.4.2 |
223 |
CouponRate |
float |
For Fixed Income.
FIX.4.2 |
207 |
SecurityExchange |
Exchange |
Can be used to identify the security.
FIX.4.1 |
106 |
Issuer |
String |
Company name of security issuer (e.g. International Business Machines)
FIX.3.0 |
348 |
EncodedIssuerLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedIssuer field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
349 |
EncodedIssuer |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
107 |
SecurityDesc |
String |
Security description.
FIX.3.0 |
350 |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedSecurityDesc field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
351 |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
140 |
PrevClosePx |
Price |
Useful for verifying security identification
FIX.4.0 |
54 |
Side |
✔ |
char |
Side of order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Buy |
Buy |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Sell |
Sell |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
BuyMinus |
Buy minus |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SellPlus |
Sell plus |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SellShort |
Sell short |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
SellShortExempt |
Sell short exempt |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Undisclosed |
Undisclosed (valid for IOI and List Order messages only) |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Cross |
Cross (orders where counterparty is an exchange, valid for all messages except IOIs) |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
CrossShort |
Cross short |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
114 |
LocateReqd |
Boolean |
Required for short sell orders
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
No |
Indicates the broker is not required to locate |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
Yes |
Indicates the broker is responsible for locating the stock |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
60 |
TransactTime |
✔ |
UTCTimestamp |
Time this order request was initiated/released by the trader or trading system.
FIX.4.2 |
38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Note that either, but not both, CashOrderQty or OrderQty should be specified.
FIX.2.7 |
152 |
CashOrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Note that either, but not both, CashOrderQty or OrderQty should be specified. Specifies the approximate "monetary quantity" for the order. Broker is responsible for converting and calculating OrderQty in shares for subsequent messages.
FIX.4.1 |
40 |
OrdType |
✔ |
char |
Order type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Market |
Market |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Limit |
Limit |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Stop |
Stop |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
StopLimit |
Stop limit |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
MarketOnClose |
Market on close |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
WithOrWithout |
With or without |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
LimitOrBetter |
Limit or better |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
LimitWithOrWithout |
Limit with or without |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
OnBasis |
On basis |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
OnClose |
On close |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
LimitOnClose |
Limit on close |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
ForexMarket |
Forex - Market |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
PreviouslyQuoted |
Previously quoted |
FIX.4.0 |
E |
PreviouslyIndicated |
Previously indicated |
FIX.4.0 |
F |
ForexLimit |
Forex - Limit |
FIX.4.1 |
G |
ForexSwap |
Forex - Swap |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ForexPreviouslyQuoted |
Forex - Previously Quoted |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
Funari |
Funari (Limit Day Order with unexecuted portion handled as Market On Close. e.g. Japan) |
FIX.4.2 |
P |
Pegged |
Pegged |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
44 |
Price |
Price |
Required for limit OrdTypes. For F/X orders, should be the "all-in" rate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Can be used to specify a limit price for a pegged order, previously indicated, etc.
FIX.2.7 |
99 |
StopPx |
Price |
Required for OrdType = "Stop" or OrdType = "Stop limit".
FIX.2.7 |
15 |
Currency |
Currency |
Identifies currency used for price. Absence of this field is interpreted as the default for the security. It is recommended that systems provide the currency value whenever possible. See Appendix A: Valid Currency Codes for information on obtaining valid values.
FIX.2.7 |
376 |
ComplianceID |
String |
ID used to represent this transaction for compliance purposes (e.g. OATS reporting).
FIX.4.2 |
377 |
SolicitedFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the order was solicited.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
WasNotSolicited |
Was not solicited |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
WasSolicited |
Was solcitied |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
23 |
IOIid |
String |
Required for Previously Indicated Orders (OrdType=E)
FIX.2.7 |
117 |
QuoteID |
String |
Required for Previously Quoted Orders (OrdType=D)
FIX.4.0 |
59 |
TimeInForce |
char |
Absence of this field indicates Day order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Day |
Day |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
GoodTillCancel |
Good Till Cancel (GTC) |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AtTheOpening |
At the Opening (OPG) |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ImmediateOrCancel |
Immediate or Cancel (IOC) |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
FillOrKill |
Fill or Kill (FOK) |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
GoodTillCrossing |
Good Till Crossing (GTX) |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
GoodTillDate |
Good Till Date |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
168 |
EffectiveTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Can specify the time at which the order should be considered valid
FIX.4.2 |
432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireTime is not specified.
FIX.4.2 |
126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireDate is not specified.
FIX.4.0 |
427 |
GTBookingInst |
int |
States whether executions are booked out or accumulated on a partially filled GT order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BookOutAllTradesOnDayOfExecution |
book out all trades on day of execution |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
AccumulateUntilFilledOrExpired |
accumulate executions until order is filled or expires |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AccumulateUntilVerballlyNotifiedOtherwise |
accumulate until verbally notified otherwise |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
12 |
Commission |
Amt |
Commission. Note if CommType is percentage, Commission of 5% should be represented as .05.
FIX.2.7 |
13 |
CommType |
char |
Commission type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
PerUnit |
per share |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Percent |
percentage |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Absolute |
absolute |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
47 |
Rule80A |
char |
Note that the name of this field is changing to "OrderCapacity" as Rule80A is a very US market-specific term. Other world markets need to convey similar information, however, often a subset of the US values. . See the "Rule80A (aka OrderCapacity) Usage by Market" appendix for market-specific usage of this field.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
AgencySingleOrder |
Agency single order |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
ShortExemptTransactionAType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to A type) |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
ProprietaryNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
ProgramOrderMember |
Program Order, index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
ShortExemptTransactionForPrincipal |
Registered Equity Market Maker trades |
FIX.4.1 |
F |
ShortExemptTransactionWType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to W type) |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ShortExemptTransactionIType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to I type) |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
IndividualInvestor |
Individual Investor, single order |
FIX.2.7 |
J |
ProprietaryAlgo |
Program Order, index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
K |
AgencyAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
L |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to P and O types) |
FIX.4.1 |
M |
ProgramOrderOtherMember |
Program Order, index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
AgentForOtherMember |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
O |
ProprietaryTransactionAffiliated |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
P |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.4.1 |
R |
TransactionNonMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
S |
SpecialistTrades |
Specialist trades |
FIX.4.1 |
T |
TransactionUnaffiliatedMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
U |
AgencyIndexArb |
Program Order, index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
W |
AllOtherOrdersAsAgentForOtherMember |
All other orders as agent for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
X |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberNotAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker not affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to W and T types) |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
AgencyNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
Z |
ShortExemptTransactionNonMember |
Short exempt transaction for non-member competing market-maker (refer to A and R types) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
121 |
ForexReq |
Boolean |
Indicates that broker is requested to execute a Forex accommodation trade in conjunction with the security trade.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
DoNotExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Do not execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
ExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
120 |
SettlCurrency |
Currency |
Required if ForexReq = Y.
FIX.4.0 |
58 |
Text |
String |
Free format text string (Note: this field does not have a specified maximum length)
FIX.2.7 |
354 |
EncodedTextLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
355 |
EncodedText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
193 |
FutSettDate2 |
LocalMktDate |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the "value date" for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.1 |
192 |
OrderQty2 |
Qty |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.1 |
77 |
OpenClose |
char |
For options
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Close |
Close |
FIX.4.1 |
O |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
203 |
CoveredOrUncovered |
int |
For options
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Covered |
Covered |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Uncovered |
Uncovered |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
204 |
CustomerOrFirm |
int |
For options when delivering the order to execution system/exchange.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Customer |
Customer |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Firm |
Firm |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers (i.e. sent via an IOI). (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.1 |
211 |
PegDifference |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the price of the peg
FIX.4.1 |
388 |
DiscretionInst |
char |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
RelatedToDisplayedPrice |
Related to displayed price |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RelatedToMarketPrice |
Related to market price |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
RelatedToPrimaryPrice |
Related to primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RelatedToLocalPrimaryPrice |
Related to local primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
RelatedToMidpointPrice |
Related to midpoint price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
RelatedToLastTradePrice |
Related to last trade price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
389 |
DiscretionOffset |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst.
FIX.4.2 |
439 |
ClearingFirm |
String |
Firm that will clear the trade. Used if different from the executing firm.
FIX.4.2 |
440 |
ClearingAccount |
String |
Supplemental accounting information forwared to clearing house/firm.
FIX.4.2 |
StandardTrailer |
✔ |
FIX.2.7 |
The NewOrderList Message can be used in one of two ways depending on which market conventions are being followed.
Tag |
Name |
Reqd |
Type |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
StandardHeader |
✔ |
MsgType = E |
FIX.2.7 |
66 |
ListID |
✔ |
String |
Must be unique, by customer, for the day
FIX.2.7 |
390 |
BidID |
String |
Should refer to an earlier program if bidding took place.
FIX.4.2 |
391 |
ClientBidID |
String |
Unique identifier for a Bid Request as assigned by institution. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day.
FIX.4.2 |
414 |
ProgRptReqs |
int |
Code to identify the desired frequency of progress reports.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
BuySideRequests |
BuySide explicitly requests status using StatusRequest (Default) The sell-side firm can however, send a DONE status List Status Response in an unsolicited fashion |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
SellSideSends |
SellSide periodically sends status using ListStatus. Period optionally specified in ProgressPeriod |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RealTimeExecutionReports |
Real-time execution reports (to be discouraged) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
394 |
BidType |
✔ |
int |
e.g. Non Disclosed Model, Disclosed Model, No Bidding Process
FIX.4.2 |
415 |
ProgPeriodInterval |
int |
Time in minutes between each ListStatus report sent by SellSide. Zero means don’t send status.
FIX.4.2 |
433 |
ListExecInstType |
char |
Controls when execution should be begin.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Immediate |
Immediate |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
WaitForInstruction |
Wait for Execute Instruction (e.g. a List Execute message or phone call before proceeding with execution of the list) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
69 |
ListExecInst |
String |
Free-form text.
FIX.2.7 |
352 |
EncodedListExecInstLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedListExecInst field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
353 |
EncodedListExecInst |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ListExecInst field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
68 |
TotNoOrders |
✔ |
int |
Used to support fragmentation. Sum of NoOrders across all messages with the same ListID.
FIX.2.7 |
73 |
NoOrders |
✔ |
int |
Number of orders in this message (number of repeating groups to follow)
FIX.4.2 |
⇒11 |
ClOrdID |
✔ |
String |
Must be the first field in the repeating group.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒67 |
ListSeqNo |
✔ |
int |
Order number within the list
FIX.2.7 |
⇒160 |
SettlInstMode |
char |
Indicates mode used for Settlement Instructions
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Default |
Default |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
StandingInstructionsProvided |
Standing Instructions Provided |
FIX.4.1 |
2 |
SpecificAllocationAccountOverriding |
Specific Allocation Account Overriding |
FIX.4.1 |
3 |
SpecificAllocationAccountStanding |
Specific Allocation Account Standing |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.2 |
⇒109 |
ClientID |
String |
Firm identifier used in third party-transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID/DeliverToCompID).
FIX.3.0 |
⇒76 |
ExecBroker |
String |
Identifies executing / give-up broker. Standard NASD market-maker mnemonic is preferred.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒1 |
Account |
String |
Account mnemonic as agreed between broker and institution.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒78 |
NoAllocs |
int |
Indicates number of pre-trade allocation accounts to follow
FIX.4.2 |
⇒⇒79 |
AllocAccount |
String |
Required if NoAllocs > 0. Must be the first field in the repeating group.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒⇒80 |
AllocShares |
Qty |
Number of shares to be allocated to specific sub-account (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.2 |
⇒63 |
SettlmntTyp |
char |
Indicates order settlement period. Absence of this field is interpreted as Regular. Regular is defined as the default settlement period for the particular security on the exchange of execution.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
Regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
Cash |
Cash |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
NextDay |
Next Day |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
TPlus2 |
T+2 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
TPlus3 |
T+3 |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
TPlus4 |
T+4 |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
WhenAndIfIssued |
When Issued |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
SellersOption |
Sellers Option |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
TPlus5 |
T+ 5 |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒64 |
FutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
Specific date of trade settlement (SettlementDate) in YYYYMMDD format. Required when SettlmntTyp = 6 (Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers Option). (expressed in local time at place of settlement)
FIX.2.7 |
⇒21 |
HandlInst |
char |
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
AutomatedExecutionNoIntervention |
Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AutomatedExecutionInterventionOK |
Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ManualOrder |
Manual order, best execution |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒18 |
ExecInst |
MultipleValueString |
Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited. If OrdType=P, exactly one of the following values (ExecInst = L, R, M, P, O, T, or W) must be specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
StayOnOfferSide |
Stay on offerside |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
NotHeld |
Not held |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Work |
Work |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
GoAlong |
Go along |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
OverTheDay |
Over the day |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
Held |
Held |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
ParticipateDoNotInitiate |
Participate don't initiate |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
StrictScale |
Strict scale |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
TryToScale |
Try to scale |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
StayOnBidSide |
Stay on bidside |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
NoCross |
No cross (cross is forbidden) |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
OKToCross |
OK to cross |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
CallFirst |
Call first |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
PercentOfVolume |
Percent of volume (indicates that the sender does not want to be all of the volume on the floor vs. a specific percentage) |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
DoNotIncrease |
Do not increase - DNI |
FIX.2.7 |
F |
DoNotReduce |
Do not reduce - DNR |
FIX.2.7 |
G |
AllOrNone |
All or none - AON |
FIX.2.7 |
I |
InstitutionsOnly |
Institutions only |
FIX.3.0 |
L |
LastPeg |
Last peg (last sale) |
FIX.3.0 |
M |
MidPricePeg |
Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote) |
FIX.3.0 |
N |
NonNegotiable |
Non-negotiable |
FIX.3.0 |
O |
OpeningPeg |
Opening peg |
FIX.3.0 |
P |
MarketPeg |
Market peg |
FIX.3.0 |
R |
PrimaryPeg |
Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer) |
FIX.3.0 |
S |
Suspend |
Suspend |
FIX.3.0 |
T |
FixedPegToLocalBestBidOrOfferAtTimeOfOrder |
Fixed Peg to Local best bid or offer at time of order |
FIX.4.4EP35 |
U |
CustomerDisplayInstruction |
Customer Display Instruction (Rule11Ac1-1/4) |
FIX.4.1 |
V |
Netting |
Netting (for Forex) |
FIX.4.1 |
W |
Peg to VWAP |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒110 |
MinQty |
Qty |
Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.3.0 |
⇒111 |
MaxFloor |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown on the exchange floor at any given time. (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.3.0 |
⇒100 |
ExDestination |
Exchange |
Execution destination as defined by institution when order is entered. Valid values: See Appendix C
FIX.3.0 |
⇒386 |
NoTradingSessions |
int |
Number of TradingSessionIDs in repeating group.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒⇒336 |
TradingSessionID |
String |
First field in repeating group. Required if NoTradingSessions > 0.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒81 |
ProcessCode |
char |
Processing code for sub-account. Absence of this field in AllocAccount / AllocPrice/AllocShares / ProcessCode instance indicates regular trade.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Regular |
regular |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
SoftDollar |
soft dollar |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
StepIn |
step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
StepOut |
step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SoftDollarStepIn |
soft-dollar step-in |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SoftDollarStepOut |
soft-dollar step-out |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
PlanSponsor |
plan sponsor |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒55 |
Symbol |
✔ |
String |
Ticker symbol
FIX.2.7 |
⇒65 |
SymbolSfx |
String |
Can be repeated multiple times if message is related to multiple symbols.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒48 |
SecurityID |
String |
Can be repeated multiple times if message is related to multiple symbols.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒22 |
IDSource |
String |
Can be repeated multiple times if message is related to multiple symbols.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
ISINNumber |
ISIN number |
FIX.3.0 |
5 |
RICCode |
RIC code |
FIX.3.0 |
6 |
ISOCurrencyCode |
ISO Currency Code |
FIX.4.1 |
7 |
ISOCountryCode |
ISO Country Code |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
ExchangeSymbol |
Exchange Symbol |
FIX.4.2 |
9 |
ConsolidatedTapeAssociation |
Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) Symbol (SIAC CTS/CQS line format) |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒167 |
SecurityType |
String |
Must be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
? |
Wildcard |
Wildcard entry (used on Security Definition Request message) |
FIX.4.2 |
BA |
BankersAcceptance |
Bankers Acceptance |
FIX.4.1 |
CB |
ConvertibleBond |
Convertible Bond (Note not part of ISITC spec) |
FIX.4.2 |
CD |
CertificateOfDeposit |
Certificate Of Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
CollateralizedMortgageObligation |
Collateralize Mortgage Obligation |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporateBond |
Corporate Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
CP |
CommercialPaper |
Commercial Paper |
FIX.4.1 |
CorporatePrivatePlacement |
Corporate Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
CS |
CommonStock |
Common Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHousingAuthority |
Federal Housing Authority |
FIX.4.1 |
FederalHomeLoan |
Federal Home Loan |
FIX.4.1 |
FN |
FederalNationalMortgageAssociation |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
ForeignExchangeContract |
Foreign Exchange Contract |
FIX.4.1 |
Future |
Future |
FIX.4.1 |
GN |
GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation |
Government National Mortgage Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TreasuriesAgencyDebenture |
Treasuries + Agency Debenture |
FIX.4.1 |
IOETTEMortgage |
Mortgage IOETTE |
FIX.4.2 |
MF |
MutualFund |
Mutual Fund |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgageInterestOnly |
Mortgage Interest Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrincipalOnly |
Mortgage Principal Only |
FIX.4.1 |
MortgagePrivatePlacement |
Mortgage Private Placement |
FIX.4.1 |
MiscellaneousPassThrough |
Miscellaneous Pass-Thru |
FIX.4.1 |
MunicipalBond |
Municipal Bond |
FIX.4.1 |
NoSecurityType |
No ISITC Security Type |
FIX.4.1 |
Option |
Option |
FIX.4.1 |
PS |
PreferredStock |
Preferred Stock |
FIX.4.1 |
RP |
RepurchaseAgreement |
Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
ReverseRepurchaseAgreement |
Reverse Repurchase Agreement |
FIX.4.1 |
SL |
StudentLoanMarketingAssociation |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
FIX.4.1 |
TD |
TimeDeposit |
Time Deposit |
FIX.4.1 |
USTreasuryBillOld |
US Treasury Bill |
FIX.4.1 |
Warrant |
Warrant |
FIX.4.1 |
CatsTigersAndLions |
Cats, Tigers & Lions (a real code: US Treasury Receipts) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
⇒200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
Specifiesthe month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒205 |
MaturityDay |
DayOfMonth |
Can be used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify a particular maturity date.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒201 |
PutOrCall |
int |
For Options.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Put |
Put |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Call |
Call |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
⇒202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒206 |
OptAttribute |
char |
For Options.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒231 |
ContractMultiplier |
float |
For Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒223 |
CouponRate |
float |
For Fixed Income.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒207 |
SecurityExchange |
Exchange |
Can be used to identify the security.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒106 |
Issuer |
String |
Can be repeated multiple times if message is related to multiple symbols.
FIX.3.0 |
⇒348 |
EncodedIssuerLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedIssuer field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒349 |
EncodedIssuer |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒107 |
SecurityDesc |
String |
Can be repeated multiple times if message is related to multiple symbols.
FIX.3.0 |
⇒350 |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedSecurityDesc field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒351 |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒140 |
PrevClosePx |
Price |
Useful for verifying security identification
FIX.4.0 |
⇒54 |
Side |
✔ |
char |
Note: to indicate the side of SideValue1 or SideValue2, specify Side=Undisclosed and SideValueInd=either the SideValue1 or SideValue2 indicator.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Buy |
Buy |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Sell |
Sell |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
BuyMinus |
Buy minus |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
SellPlus |
Sell plus |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
SellShort |
Sell short |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
SellShortExempt |
Sell short exempt |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
Undisclosed |
Undisclosed (valid for IOI and List Order messages only) |
FIX.4.1 |
8 |
Cross |
Cross (orders where counterparty is an exchange, valid for all messages except IOIs) |
FIX.4.1 |
9 |
CrossShort |
Cross short |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒401 |
SideValueInd |
int |
Refers to the SideValue1 or SideValue2. These are used as opposed to Buy or Sell so that the basket can be quoted either way as Buy or Sell.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒114 |
LocateReqd |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the broker is to locate the stock in conjunction with a short sell order.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
No |
Indicates the broker is not required to locate |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
Yes |
Indicates the broker is responsible for locating the stock |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
⇒60 |
TransactTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time of execution/order creation (expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
⇒38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Note that either, but not both, CashOrderQty or OrderQty should be specified.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒152 |
CashOrderQty |
Qty |
Either CashOrderQty or OrderQty is required. Note that either, but not both, CashOrderQty or OrderQty should be specified. Specifies the approximate "monetary quantity" for the order. Broker is responsible for converting and calculating OrderQty in shares for subsequent messages.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒40 |
OrdType |
char |
Order type.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
Market |
Market |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Limit |
Limit |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Stop |
Stop |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
StopLimit |
Stop limit |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
MarketOnClose |
Market on close |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
WithOrWithout |
With or without |
FIX.2.7 |
7 |
LimitOrBetter |
Limit or better |
FIX.2.7 |
8 |
LimitWithOrWithout |
Limit with or without |
FIX.2.7 |
9 |
OnBasis |
On basis |
FIX.2.7 |
A |
OnClose |
On close |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
LimitOnClose |
Limit on close |
FIX.2.7 |
C |
ForexMarket |
Forex - Market |
FIX.4.0 |
D |
PreviouslyQuoted |
Previously quoted |
FIX.4.0 |
E |
PreviouslyIndicated |
Previously indicated |
FIX.4.0 |
F |
ForexLimit |
Forex - Limit |
FIX.4.1 |
G |
ForexSwap |
Forex - Swap |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ForexPreviouslyQuoted |
Forex - Previously Quoted |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
Funari |
Funari (Limit Day Order with unexecuted portion handled as Market On Close. e.g. Japan) |
FIX.4.2 |
P |
Pegged |
Pegged |
FIX.3.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒44 |
Price |
Price |
Price per share
FIX.2.7 |
⇒99 |
StopPx |
Price |
Price per share
FIX.2.7 |
⇒15 |
Currency |
Currency |
Identifies currency used for price. Absence of this field is interpreted as the default for the security. It is recommended that systems provide the currency value whenever possible. See Appendix A: Valid Currency Codes for information on obtaining valid values.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒376 |
ComplianceID |
String |
ID used to represent this transaction for compliance purposes (e.g. OATS reporting).
FIX.4.2 |
⇒377 |
SolicitedFlag |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the order was solicited.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
WasNotSolicited |
Was not solicited |
FIX.4.2 |
Y |
WasSolicited |
Was solcitied |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
⇒23 |
IOIid |
String |
Required for Previously Indicated Orders (OrdType=E)
FIX.4.2 |
⇒117 |
QuoteID |
String |
Required for Previously Quoted Orders (OrdType=D)
FIX.4.2 |
⇒59 |
TimeInForce |
char |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Absence of this field is interpreted as DAY.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Day |
Day |
FIX.2.7 |
1 |
GoodTillCancel |
Good Till Cancel (GTC) |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
AtTheOpening |
At the Opening (OPG) |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
ImmediateOrCancel |
Immediate or Cancel (IOC) |
FIX.2.7 |
4 |
FillOrKill |
Fill or Kill (FOK) |
FIX.2.7 |
5 |
GoodTillCrossing |
Good Till Crossing (GTX) |
FIX.2.7 |
6 |
GoodTillDate |
Good Till Date |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒168 |
EffectiveTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Time the details within the message should take effect (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")
FIX.4.2 |
⇒432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireTime is not specified.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireDate is not specified.
FIX.4.0 |
⇒427 |
GTBookingInst |
int |
States whether executions are booked out or accumulated on a partially filled GT order
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
BookOutAllTradesOnDayOfExecution |
book out all trades on day of execution |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
AccumulateUntilFilledOrExpired |
accumulate executions until order is filled or expires |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
AccumulateUntilVerballlyNotifiedOtherwise |
accumulate until verbally notified otherwise |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
⇒12 |
Commission |
Amt |
Commission. Note if CommType is percentage, Commission of 5% should be represented as .05.
FIX.2.7 |
⇒13 |
CommType |
char |
Commission type
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
1 |
PerUnit |
per share |
FIX.2.7 |
2 |
Percent |
percentage |
FIX.2.7 |
3 |
Absolute |
absolute |
FIX.2.7 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒47 |
Rule80A |
char |
Note that the name of this field is changing to "OrderCapacity" as Rule80A is a very US market-specific term. Other world markets need to convey similar information, however, often a subset of the US values. . See the "Rule80A (aka OrderCapacity) Usage by Market" appendix for market-specific usage of this field.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
A |
AgencySingleOrder |
Agency single order |
FIX.2.7 |
B |
ShortExemptTransactionAType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to A type) |
FIX.4.1 |
C |
ProprietaryNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
D |
ProgramOrderMember |
Program Order, index arb, for Member firm/org |
FIX.2.7 |
E |
ShortExemptTransactionForPrincipal |
Registered Equity Market Maker trades |
FIX.4.1 |
F |
ShortExemptTransactionWType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to W type) |
FIX.4.1 |
H |
ShortExemptTransactionIType |
Short exempt transaction (refer to I type) |
FIX.4.1 |
I |
IndividualInvestor |
Individual Investor, single order |
FIX.2.7 |
J |
ProprietaryAlgo |
Program Order, index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
K |
AgencyAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for individual customer |
FIX.2.7 |
L |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to P and O types) |
FIX.4.1 |
M |
ProgramOrderOtherMember |
Program Order, index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
N |
AgentForOtherMember |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
O |
ProprietaryTransactionAffiliated |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
P |
Principal |
Principal |
FIX.4.1 |
R |
TransactionNonMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
S |
SpecialistTrades |
Specialist trades |
FIX.4.1 |
T |
TransactionUnaffiliatedMember |
Competing dealer trades |
FIX.4.1 |
U |
AgencyIndexArb |
Program Order, index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
W |
AllOtherOrdersAsAgentForOtherMember |
All other orders as agent for other member |
FIX.2.7 |
X |
ShortExemptTransactionMemberNotAffliated |
Short exempt transaction for member competing market-maker not affiliated with the firm clearing the trade (refer to W and T types) |
FIX.4.1 |
Y |
AgencyNonAlgo |
Program Order, non-index arb, for other agency |
FIX.2.7 |
Z |
ShortExemptTransactionNonMember |
Short exempt transaction for non-member competing market-maker (refer to A and R types) |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.2.7 |
⇒121 |
ForexReq |
Boolean |
Indicates request for forex accommodation trade to be executed along with security transaction.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
N |
DoNotExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Do not execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
Y |
ExecuteForexAfterSecurityTrade |
Execute Forex after security trade |
FIX.4.0 |
FIX.4.0 |
⇒120 |
SettlCurrency |
Currency |
Currency code of settlement denomination.
FIX.4.0 |
⇒58 |
Text |
String |
Free format text string (Note: this field does not have a specified maximum length)
FIX.2.7 |
⇒354 |
EncodedTextLen |
Length |
Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒355 |
EncodedText |
data |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒193 |
FutSettDate2 |
LocalMktDate |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the "value date" for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒192 |
OrderQty2 |
Qty |
Can be used with OrdType = "Forex - Swap" to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒77 |
OpenClose |
char |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Used for omnibus accounting - where accounts are held on a gross basis instead of being netted together.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
C |
Close |
Close |
FIX.4.1 |
O |
Open |
Open |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
⇒203 |
CoveredOrUncovered |
int |
Used for options
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Covered |
Covered |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Uncovered |
Uncovered |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
⇒204 |
CustomerOrFirm |
int |
Used for options when delivering the order to an execution system/exchange to specify if the order is for a customer or the firm placing the order itself.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
Customer |
Customer |
FIX.4.1 |
1 |
Firm |
Firm |
FIX.4.1 |
FIX.4.1 |
⇒210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers (i.e. sent via an IOI). (Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
FIX.4.1 |
⇒211 |
PegDifference |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the price of the peg for a pegged order.
FIX.4.1 |
⇒388 |
DiscretionInst |
char |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified.
Value |
SymbolicName |
Description |
Added |
Updated |
Deprecated |
0 |
RelatedToDisplayedPrice |
Related to displayed price |
FIX.4.2 |
1 |
RelatedToMarketPrice |
Related to market price |
FIX.4.2 |
2 |
RelatedToPrimaryPrice |
Related to primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
3 |
RelatedToLocalPrimaryPrice |
Related to local primary price |
FIX.4.2 |
4 |
RelatedToMidpointPrice |
Related to midpoint price |
FIX.4.2 |
5 |
RelatedToLastTradePrice |
Related to last trade price |
FIX.4.2 |
FIX.4.2 |
⇒389 |
DiscretionOffset |
PriceOffset |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒439 |
ClearingFirm |
String |
Firm that will clear the trade. Used if different from the executing firm.
FIX.4.2 |
⇒440 |
ClearingAccount |
String |
Supplemental accounting information forwared to clearing house/firm.
FIX.4.2 |
StandardTrailer |
✔ |
FIX.2.7 |
The order cancel request message requests the cancellation of all of the remaining quantity of an existing order.
The order cancel/replace request is used to change the parameters of an existing order.
The order status request message is used by the institution to generate an order status message back from the broker.
The Allocation message provides the ability to specify how an order or set of orders should be subdivided amongst one or more accounts.
The list cancel request message type is used by institutions wishing to cancel previously submitted lists either before or during execution.
The list execute message type is used by institutions to instruct the broker to begin execution of a previously submitted list.
The list status request message type is used by institutions to instruct the broker to generate status messages for a list.
The list status message is issued as the response to a List Status Request message sent in an unsolicited fashion by the sell-side.
The allocation ACK message is used to acknowledge the receipt and status of an allocation message received from the institution.
The Don’t Know Trade (DK) message notifies a trading partner that an electronically received execution has been rejected.
In some markets it is the practice to request quotes from brokers prior to placement of an order. The quote request message is used for this purpose.
The quote message is used as the response to a Quote Request message and can be used to publish unsolicited quotes.
The Settlement Instructions message provides either the broker’s or the institution’s instructions for trade settlement.
Some systems allow the transmission of real-time quote, order, trade and/or other price information on a subscription basis.
The Market Data messages are used as the response to a Market Data Request message.
The second Market Data message format is used for incremental updates.
The Market Data Request Reject is used when the broker cannot honor the Market Data Request, due to business or technical reasons.
The Quote Cancel message is used by an originator of quotes to cancel quotes.
The quote status request message is used by the institution to generate an execution report that contains the quote status message back from the counterparty.
An optional response to Quote, Mass Quote, Quote Cancel, and Quote Request message is the Quote Acknowledgement message.
The Security Status Request message provides for the ability to request the status of a security.
The Trading Session Status Request is used to request information on the status of a market.
The Trading Session Status provides information on the status of a market.
The Mass Quote message can contain quotes for multiple securities to support applications that allow for the mass quoting of an option series.
The Business Message Reject message can reject an application-level message which fulfills session-level rules and cannot be rejected via any other means.
The BidRequest Message can be used in one of two ways depending on which market conventions are being followed.
The Bid Response message can be used in one of two ways depending on which market conventions are being followed.
In the "Non disclosed" convention the Bid Response message can be used to supply a bid based on the sector, country, index and liquidity information contained within the corresponding bid request message. See "Program/Basket/List Trading" for an example.
In the "Disclosed" convention the Bid Response message can be used to supply bids based on the List Order Detail messages sent in advance of the corresponding Bid Request message.
The strike price message is used to exchange strike price information for principal trades. It can also be used to exchange reference prices for agency trades.