Profile-guided optimization
Profile-guided optimization (PGO), also known as profile-directed feedback (PDF), and feedback-directed optimization (FDO) is a compiler optimization technique in computer programming that uses profiling to improve program runtime performance.
GCC PGO example
Build instrumented binary:
gcc foo.c -o foo_instrumented -fprofile-generate
Run instrumented binary with a representative workload:
Then build optimized binary using generated profile:
gcc -O3 foo.c -o foo -fprofile-use=foo.gcda
Clang PGO example
Build instrumented binary:
clang foo.c -o foo_instrumented -fprofile-generate
clang foo.c -o foo_instrumented -fprofile-instr-generate
Run instrumented binary with a representative workload:
Then build optimized binary using generated profile:
llvm-profdata merge -ouput foo.profdata default.profraw
clang -O3 foo.c -o foo -fprofile-use=foo.profdata